The Hell, I say!

(5:33 P.M. – 6:06 P.M. US Central Time/Wednesday/HCC Library)

[imood mood at time of entry: annoyed]

I just checked my VoiceMail messages not too long ago when I saw an email notice of a new message waiting on me in my Inbox. The person who left the message was Rocky, another Host at my job, wanting to know if I wanted to work tonight (Yes!!! I need to, even though I feel like crap that’s been run over repeatedly.) and if I’d be willing to give up one of my shifts to the re-hire.

The answer: Fuck. No.

You see, this re-hire was someone who used to work at my cafe for heaven knows how long last year. This person, whose name is Erin, doesn’t even need the feckin’ job. Nooo, poor little Erin is a rich girl whose parents are rich and travel the world. No, poor little Erin, who my Assistant General Manager, Jenn B., is trying to find shifts for, is only working at the cafe for fits and giggles while she goes to school.

And this schooling, did I forget to mention that it’s just what she does when she isn’t traveling all over the effing world? No? Well, it is.

I don’t even understand that. It’s bad enough that I am hardly working as it is, but I have to give up shifts to some rich girl that can get by on Daddy’s dime. I don’t see why she can’t be happy with simply being a customer if she wants to hang around the cafe so damned much.

And even though I said that I wasn’t willing to give Erin one of my shifts, I just know that Jenn is going to schedule me for even less shifts (I’m already down to three per week; and, they aren’t all full shifts, either.) next week. What a load of crap.

I mean, just today, I paid two bills. One was one of my three medical bills (That in all total just over $1,200.) and the other was the water bill. Granted, the water bill was less than ten dollars, but the medical bill was over $140. On top of that, I am still waiting on my land lord to cash the rent check for January.

I know that I have to write him another check on this upcoming paycheck, but I don’t know how long it will take for him to cash that one either. If it weren’t for the fact that I’ve lived in my house for as long as I have, I’d know that I’d be in serious trouble, because my rent is going to be late for February, too. (It was late this month and many, many others in the past.)

So when I get these types of phone calls asking me if I want to give a shift to some chick that doesn’t even need it, when I am trying to make sure that my family has a place to stay, food to eat, water to drink, and electricity to use, it pisses me off. I mean, this is the same girl who walks into the door of the cafe with designer everything on, while bugging the management about letting her come back to work there.

What the fuck?

God, have I uttered my habitual “I hate people.” mantra for the day? Hrmm. Well, I just did.

On a lighter note (HA!), it’s Special Time again. Woo-frickin’-hoo. My cramps and whatnot are killing me. If it wasn’t for the fact that I know that my cramps are always this debilitating and I haven’t done anything large enough to warrant karmic retribution, I would think that someone somewhere is trying to tell me something.

You see, this is why I like being a girl. It’s not the horrible and disgusting old men that hit on me or the way that supposedly credible jobs pay me less because I lack a penis, it’s the staggering joy that are swollen breasts and a uterus that feels like it is trying to cave in on itself. Oh. Joy.

But! The somewhat good thing in this is the fact that I am ‘on-time’ this month. Now, I have absolutely no danger of being ‘late’ and possibly being pregnant, because sex with someone other than myself and a man, at that, is required for that particular miracle of life (A miracle of such great magnitude, that even rodents can git ‘er done.) to occur. Still, everything is happening right around the same time as last month. Right around the same time, as in one day later, but still in the same ballpark.

This really isn’t a complete surprise to me, since I usually have this joyful time at either the very last week of the month or the very first. Yay.

I am just glad that I don’t have to work during the first few days of my Confirmation of Beloved Womanhood. It would be hell trying to seat god-awful people while I feel as though I might pass out. Although, I have done so just this past week. (Yes, I rock. Blech.)

I watched the latest episode of SGA (Stargate: Atlantis), even though the one from last week put me off the series quite a bit. It was a good enough episode, but they seem to reside in the World of Suck at this point to me. I don’t really feel like typing out why and all of that at this point, but just know that they wasted yet another excellent character because the writers and producers of that show are both idiots and Evil. (Evil Idiots? Idiotic Evil-doers? Hrmm.)

So, that’s my rant. For the most part. There’s just more of the killer cramps from hell and a small bit of fandoming on LJ. I still need to write an entire fic for this ‘holidays suck’ community that I signed up for months ago. If there was ever any doubt that I am truly a lazy hobo, this should take care of that. Yes, I was stressed and couldn’t write a word, but still. I signed up MONTHS ago!

However! I did come up with the best story idea. Unsurprisingly, it was inspired by my cramping bits. It’s funny, because that moment of breathe, breathe, ARGHHHHHHH!!!! completely changed the way I viewed a certain part of the Wizarding world. I never expected such a storyline to come from that. But then again, inspiration comes in the oddest forms. I only have to think about some of my recent dreams to know that.


Flying things.



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