Ah Yes, Interesting Times

(8:17 P.M. – 8:35 P.M. US Central Time/Thursday/Downtown library)

[imood mood at time of entry: scared]

Things always have this way of taking an interesting turn for me. I ended up back at my old high school where I was forced to endure quite a bit of hate on the student body’s part. As it turns out, not everyone hated me. Go figure!

I walked into school this morning and spent the day being recognized. People did double takes and stopped me in the halls to ask what was I doing there and whether I came back. I was met with lots of smiles and hugs and looks of joyous disbelief. Those all felt damn good after the trouble that I had there before. I was also met with snide remarks, hisses, and the smacking of lips. I also had people who stopped to look me up and down with a lot of hate in their eyes. Well frock them! I did get invited to a party though. That was pretty cool. On my first real day back and everything! *lol*

I didn’t get my schedule until the end of the day because the counselor (sp?) had to teach a class all day.

I was there yesterday (Wednesday, January 14, 2004) for a short time in the register’s (sp?) office as well. I had some looks and questions then too.

The most “exciting” thing that happened yesterday happened after I left from here. Mom came and picked me like I had been waiting on her to and then we drove over to the Airborne Express on Jensen. Well, I stayed in the car and this guy pulls up. He eyes our van with the meanest look in his eyes. I started to get upset because I just knew that this man would be trouble. I even started to get out of the car.

So my mom came out after getting something for a package that she was having mailed. The guy was walking in as she walked out and he asked her if the van belonged to her. She said “Yes.” and he proceeded to inform her that she didn’t look handicapped. We were parked in that space and had the dealie in the window. She tried to explain to him that not every handicap was outward. He grew irate for no reason and started calling my mom a “nigger”. My mom told him that she wouldn’t entertain the conversation anymore and threw her hand up at him, then she walked to toward the van. Well, the man got loud and started calling her a “bitch” over and over again. My mom told him that he must have been talking about himself when he called her a “nigger” and was talking about his mother when he called her a “bitch”.

So we pulled out of the lot and the guy runs to his car. He freaking follows us! This man followed us turn for turn for miles to a guarded gate in front of the useless 911 Emergency Command Center. He rammed his car at us as though he was going to hit us. I got down his license plate and a description of him and the car that he was driving. I urged my mom to not go home. She wanted to go to the police station near our house. It was already around 7 P.M. so they were long closed. I told her to go to the fire station down the street. She passed that up. We tried to think of the next police that we could go to. We ended up at the Command Center. The guard told us to go home, but I further urged my mom to seek help first. I had to make sure that we reported this guy.

Long story short, (since my time is about to run out) we ended up at a police station a few miles from the Command Center and filed a report. When the officer ran the plate number that I took down it came back as someone he thought he knew. The person fit the description I gave. Well, he ran it some more and found out that it wasn’t the person he initially thought it was. He thought it might have been someone that worked at the station and if it had have been, there would have been this huge police investigation into the matter.

After the whole thing happened, I was pumped and excited and smiling since I did a good job of taking down the information while we still remembered it and fear had not yet yanked it away from us. Then I got scared. I still am. I am scared that this man will come back and try and hurt us. I’m scared that he will break into our house or get his KKK friends to burn a cross in our yard. I scared that he might spot me on the street and follow me home. I am just plain scared. *sigh* I do not know what is to be, but I have hope and I have prayed that no further danger will come to us behind this racist redneck.

Ok, time is ultra short. I’ll have to finish the details either later on or tomorrow.


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  1. wow that’s quite a lot to happen in one day! congrats on your swift moves against that racist bastard. some people are so shit-all, aren’t they. i am so proud that you refused to be daunted by his remarks, and i count you as especially lucky for having such a self-assured mom. maybe you should be a little extra-careful over the next few days but i don’t know that you’re going to have so much more trouble with this guy. he probably does this to a hundred black people a day and i’m sure someone must have taken action against him before. anyway, you don’t be scared. be cautious but not scared. you’ve got the law and good on your side.

    love zara

  2. People like that make me want to apologize for being human. What a prick. Hopefully your mom wasn’t too fazed by it and understands that some brainless oxygen wasting excuses for people should have stickers in their cars that read: ASSHOLE. Thought I’d share! -Marie

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