It’s Been A Few Days. . .

(5:33 P.M. – 6:04 P.M. US Central Time/Tuesday/Prestina’s house)

I just wanted to write in to update since I hadn’t done so in a few days. I had small stuff to talk about, but I didn’t feel the energy to type it up.

Well, as for the weekend, Prestina and I left to go over to her aunt’s house. I got claimed as the girlfriend of a 13-year-old and a 12-year-old. Guh. Both of which are Prestina’s cousins. Prestina also has this other cousin who is so cute!, but I can’t date him because he is too young (He’s 15.) and he has a girlfriend that he has been dating for a while now. What is up with me and the cousins? *hunches*

I did do one thing considered illegal this morning. I was walking onto the campus after buying my chips and snack cake for lunch and breakfast when this guy walked up to me and asked me how old I was. I told him 18 and he asked me if I had ID. I told him “Yes.” He asked me if I would go down to the store, the one I had just come from, to buy him a cigarette. I said “Yes.” even though I am opposed to smoking. I don’t know why I did it. I just did. As I was walking there I was thinking to myself, “Why can’t I go ONE DAY without doing something illegal???” God! *chuckles*

I found out whether or not I will have a chance with Jerimiah. It turns out that he has a girlfriend, but he is still soooo cute!!! I just had to get that out. He has the greatest laugh and smile too. I can’t resist a guy with a great smile or laugh.

He was in my fourth period again today with his equally cute friend. They are two fine somethings to look at when class get boring. At least I can say I have that much. We (me, Jerimiah, his friend, this girl in front of me, and my US History teacher, Mr. Lee) were all laughing together. It really got geared up when I heard my teacher saying something while I was doing my work. Well, I only partially heard him because I misunderstood it. I looked up and asked him if he had said “crack whore” or “black whore”. This of course was ultra funny to everyone. Turns out he said “blackboard”. I have got to listen better. Too much loud music for sure.

I also convinced Mr. Lee to let me make up my missing assignments by allowing me to cook up dishes that relate to history. I am going to look up recipes this week. He told me tell him when I plan to bring everything in so he will know to skip lunch that day. I will also try and wiggle in a paper to make up some more grades. I am brilliant! *lol*

It flooded like crazy yesterday (Monday, November 17, 2003). It stormed Sunday (November 16, 2003) and then carried over to Monday. Houston was under water. Everything turned into a river with rapids. The streets, the bayous, everything. It was very cool. At least it was to me since I don’t own a car and I don’t have to worry about it getting water in the engine. The street my bus (public transportation) had to go down to get me home was totally underwater. When we would drive through we caused these waves. The spray went over the bus! There were these little cars that were trying to make it through the water. They were driving on the median and in people’s front yards! The best part came when we had to go under this underpass and like 6 inches of water came rushing into the bus. I had my feet up and squealled with joy. Everyone applauded the bus driver when we made it through. I took off my shoes and rolled up my jeans when it came time for me to get off since the water was several inches deep. Lovely!

I need to go to the library to return my book, but I am so sleep that I won’t go today. Maybe I will go tomorrow (Wednesday, November 19, 2003). I will have to go straight there after school so that I don’t miss Smallville. I have to see that show tomorrow. Lex, my husband (well, Michael Rosenbaum is my husband, but whatever) completely goes crazy. A must see if I ever knew one.

Oh! I haven’t written anything about Cris. So he has been calling me and I missed his calls, that’s right calls with an ‘s’, on Saturday (November 15, 2003). I did however, catch his calls from Monday and Sunday. I think he wants to get back together, but I don’t know about that. Maybe he just wants us to be frineds. Either way I do want to make out with him soon. The lovin’ is gooooood!!

I applied for a job yesterday with Prestina because she kept bagering me to fill out an application too while we were at Wendy’s eating. I did and I put Cris down as a reference. We stopped by his house to tell him on the way back to Prestina’s house. He came out and I told him. He definitely looked like he wanted to say more and possibly wanted me to stay. I sort of blew this off since Prestina and I were hanging out and Cris and I are no longer dating. So he no longer takes precedence in my life. Oh well. *hunches*


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