Thanks To All The Loveliness!

(1:52 P.M. – 2:19 P.M. US Central Time)

Well, I better type fast as I only have about 20 minutes.

Where do I begin. Well, first to thank everyone that has stopped by to leave nice, encouraging comments, Clixing me, and the two lastest people who took my quiz on my Index page. Ok, now for Cris action. *wink wink* *lol*

There’s no physical action going on between us. At least not yet. But I have this to say.

Oh dear God! My man is a freak!!!


I was right once again about the quieter people being the kinky type. My boyfriend is very prepared for a sexual outting. He can name the names, locations, and price of nice hotels to go to. He’s had his girlfriends before so you know. I couldn’t name any of that. The times that I did my thing with a guy, which has not been very often, was at his house.

This whole thing is so new to me. I mean, I know what to do, but now I am older and in a “relationship” and my society expects us to eventually sleep together. Me personally, I get giddy thinking about it because I know that it’ll be good, but I am so nervous too. What if I don’t measure up?!? Sure, it is going to be months away since I am not at a place in my life that I want to have sex yet, but it’s coming and I know that it’s going to be something else. I really need to work out. Oh! and he actually likes give oral too instead of being selfish and expecting to just receive from me.

Ok, I am getting a head of myself here. Let me start over. *takes a breath*

Ok, Monday (September 21, 2003) afternoon me, Prestina, and Cris (His name is spelled Cris. I had been spelling it wrong. I looked on his ID from work.) were all standing in Prestina’s driveway. We were talking about Prestina’s sex problem with her and her boyfriend, Damion. He was telling her not to cheat and what she could do to make the sex better in her relationship. That’s how the other stuff started to come out. He told her to give his number to Damoin so that he could talk to him and tell him what he needed to know. He even told her (and me heehee) how to give good oral. *lol* Relationships are so confusing and messy and they get me all turned around. When the whole idea of sex is added I get crazed and giddy and loopy and scared.

Anyway, he dropped me off at home and then dropped Prestina off.

We hung out again on Tuesday (September 22, 2003). Prestina called me to tell me that she was headed to my house. I told her that I would meet her at the store next to Cris’ grandfather’s washeteria. I told her that I would buy her a soda. So we met up there. We were sitting in the washeteria when Cris drove by. We waved and he pulled in. He hung out for a while. Cris sat on a washer while me and Prestina sat in chairs. Prestina was jumping around, yelling ‘hi’ to passing people and cars, and was acting like something was very wrong with her. I am used to this as we act this way together all the time, but my boyfriend was there. I didn’t want him seeing me acting like a complete nutcase. We (me and Cris) were looking at her like WTF? *lol*

She did leave for a little bit though to give us some time alone, but she kept riding by on her brother’s bike smiling at us. *shakes head* I am very worried for her. She keeps smiling a goofy smile at me when Cris is around and I can only smile the same goofy smile back. Gah.

After we were at there a while, Cris finally left to go mail his letter and Prestina and I walked to her house. Cris came over after a about 15 minutes. He gave Prestina a ride to choir rehersal (sp?) and drove me to my house. He said that he would come by, but didn’t. I cleaned up my front porch and yard and changed and everything. Pfft. He called waaaay later on to tell me that some family drama popped up. I did hear them in the back groung Well, that and he had been on his way over and he was so tired. We kind of chatted, but he had to hang up and I had to hang up. Finally it got to 12 AM and he had to go. He has an 8 AM class.

Oh! My time is almost up. More in a bit. I just want to get everything out now in case I don’t come back for a few days.


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