Rage (R)

(8:50p.m. – 9:16 p.m. US Central Time)

Today my mom told me that she would buy pizza to reward me for my hard work that I did around the house. Go fucking figure that she would reward my damn brothers as well who did absolutely jack shit. I can’t believe it! How fucked up is that? I went crazy. I was crying, screaming, and trying to call my mom. It was bad enough that she took away my special reward, but she let the boys eat up all of the cheese slices leaving me one pathetic dinner of one slice of cheese and three nasty pepperoni pieces! I warmed up the cheese slice and put the pepperoni in the fridge. And to add insult to injury she couldn’t make “time” to bring me my pizza, she sent her brother to bring it to me when it was cold. That stupid bitch never has “time” for anything anymore. In fact, she never has. It’s times like this that I wish that she’d listened to my father when he wanted to abort my birth. I hate her and the dirty mess that we call ‘home’. She’s never been a good mother and she should have never had kids. I really wish that she didn’t because I’ve had to raise me and my brothers. She never taught us anything. I had to go through hell to learn everything on my own and then I had to pass it on to my brothers because she couldn’t handle simple things as the beginning of puberty or the “sex talk”. It’s fucking ridiculous. She really knows how to fuck things up. I’m more that likely going to be headed to boot camp once she comes home and sees the job that I did on the walls with a bat. I don’t care though and I’m not scared because at least I’ll be away from my family and I’m get a work out.

-Danielle “Soon To Be A Dead Woman, But I Don’t Care” Mitchell

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  1. Don’t feel discouraged soon as you are 18 you will have a life of your own and you can live it your way. As for siblings they always get rewarded for the things you do that is just life. As for dropping out of school I say good for you school won’t get you anywhere. You learn more at home. I was homeschooled and I graduated when I was 14. Just never let anyone drag you down and you will get far in life.

  2. i have a similar situation to yours…But I’ve learned to get around a few things and make MYSELF feel better. You know that sometimes your mother doesn’t have "time" for things and you let that control the way you feel. Why don’t you take charge of your own emotions? I know this sounds weird but it helped me a lot. I know how it feels and its a really big bummer and I’d be sad too but is it REALLY worth being sad over a few pieces of pizza? It seems like a waste of your time and stress on you. I know that things have built up and its not just about pizza but I’m sure your mom does love you. I admire you for your strength though.

  3. Hey I am with you 100% They cant do anything if you miss school you pay them to teach you. I do have a great guy it is just to bad he is 25 and I am 17 I dont think my parents are going to like this. Anyway I think my e-mail address is included but if not just ask and you shall receive. But anyway thanks for writing me.

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