School Is Fun! Fun! FUN! *claps*

(2:03 P.M.- 2:27 P.M. US Central Time/Tuesday/4th period-Computer Application)

[imood mood at time of entry: hot]

Well, school wasn’t sooo bad today. I didn’t really have any problems except for the usual immature hoots and whatnot from the stupid male population that I could so do without. Pfft.

It is almost nice to say that the work is getting a little harder in Algebra 2. Pretty much everyone was trying to figure out what was going on. I guess it was that entra long lunch that we got to take. There was testing today and most of the teachers allowed the students to take both lunches. Hurray. hehe I get that every B Day, but it was still kind of cool to be able to have that today. It did make the day feel pushed back and overly long in third period, the period that lunch occurs.

I wanted very much to go to the Haldir’s Whores website, but couldn’t because the school’s computers have forbidden it. It keeps saying that there is gambling on the webpage. Beats me, I’ve never seen any. *hunches*

Maybe today or later this week I can go to the library and have a look see.

My school is burning up in the classrooms because it’s a little chilly outside and everyone went crazy with the heat.

It weird being back in this classroom and Mr. Jackson isn’t here. He was here last school year and was the computer teacher. I guess he quit. I truly thought he liked it here. Oh well I guess. It works out for me because the new teacher is foreign and built and cute to look at. At least my eyes will have something tasty to feast upon. Yay for me! *pumps fists in funky dance*

I have gotten all the minute detail out of the way for my Haldir story. I can begin writing it up as soon as I figure out which of the layouts that I have conjured up to go with. I have one that would be sort of a stretch, but could still work, and I have one that goes with tradition. Hrmmm. . . I think that I might tackle the stretch one first. But even that would be a problem because I have two versions of the stretch. *sigh* Maybe I’ll play heads or tails or something to find out which to go with.

I have a project due at the end of this week and another due in a couple of weeks. The first is for Speech and I have gotten part of it done already. I have to write up an outline about myself and find an eye catching picture, both of which I have done. Now I have to write a brief summary of what I see and what the picture means. I have started on the paper that is also due for Speech. It is the classic where will you be in ten years paper. I just hope to be successfull. Not just rich as in money, but truly happy through my successes. I might type up my paper here when it’s done. I also have to watch a commerical and write a short description of the commerical. After that I have to find two news articles that are educational, scientifically, or politically related. Or at least something along those lines. Nothing stupid or non-newsy.

Gosh it’s hot in here! *fans* Whoo!

Well, I have a free period to surf aimlessly and read email or whatevr I want that’s not censored. Good for me. hehehe



P.S. As I was typing the location at the top of the entry and class name I thought of abbreviations. I am going to make a set of abbreviations for my journal when talking about my classes. The list may grow to other things and when it does I will add them to the list. I will have a link at the top of the page by the end of class. I will also type up my class schedule on that page too, maybe. Ok, I won’t get to put in the link today. I can’t get to the Yahoo! PageBuilder from this computer. It doesn’t have Java or something.

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