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  1. I write as a hobby now. Only something to pass the time in boring classes. I had my fun getting published and stuff but it all kind of screws with your identity and despite a few requests I don’t think I’ll ever come out of writing retirement.

    The internet doesn’t seem like that big of a deal anymore to. I only go to check my e-mail, write in my DD and read the news. Occasionally I’ll venture to find graphics and stuff but that’s it. It’s not like hours of entertainment for me anymore. I used to watch my ex piss away hour and hours playing neopets or chatting or stuff like that and it drove me insane to think that your life could be that absorbed into an imaginary world. I vowed to not be like that.

    I only go to dd because it organized my journal for me. If I did it on my hard drive it would be a mess. And sometimes come real close to throwing it all in at DD because of the cliques and bullshit that happens here. There’s constant drama here and sometimes it gets to be old.

    Oh well. You need to do what you need to do. And when you move out and work more you’ll find that you have no time for this internet thing anyways. Better to go gracefully than to be forced into it.

  2. At the risk of sounding like an old lama: Forever is a long time, my love.

    You are probably just needing a change and some fresh perspective. It doesn’t mean your online life is over. I went for six months without posting a line, and now it’s like I never left.

    I purposely keep my real life (RL) and my computer life separate. I have three online journals and a paper one. Someday I may put them all together in a book (I’ve already decided Johnny Depp will play me and Renée Zellweger–at Bridget Jones-size–will play R in the movie).

    DD is a really small community for me; I know 9 people subscribe to read me, but I get an average of three comments (that’s an average, mind) per entry. I figure if I want to make friends at a community then a BBS is my best bet. I surf around and have been on Secularity, Spiritual Humanity, DD, and other boards. I rarely spend a lot of time at any of them. I have yet to actually *go* to a Meetup.

    I also have a pretty full RL, including a "wife" and child, school, work, and hobbies. Granted, most of my hobbies are virtual, but then, I’m not really a joiner and I enjoy solitary time.

    Maybe you could look at this as a time off to re-evaluate yourself. You know, you’re entering the period of your life when your personality and values change more dramatically than any other time in your life, between 20 and 30. Give yourself a break. You deserve it.

    And, by the way, I’m still here! 😉


  3. While you might think there is nothing left to say, it is then that you must keep writing. I’ve had my DD for FOUR years – there were times where it was pointless and I ranted about an unnecessary day, but thats the point of a diary. Perhaps for me, it is different. My diary is my best friend – no one knows me like it does. I tell it my every thought, whimper, and weep. Maybe you have forgotten why you started your diary … maybe, you need to revisit that source, and see if its really in you to stop, or continue. No one can make you stay – your diary was open to US to read, not an obligation to some club. Keep that in mind. I’ll always love you though, lol you were my most faithful reader.

    – Keisha

  4. I think people write and keep journal for exactly as long as they need to. I’ve had mine for a bit over three years. I started out with flowery prose and aching want.. It’s since turned into a record of my day. I like it better this way now. Some of my favourites have left, without a word, or their entries simply….. Stopped. It’s a little difficult, especially when I never hear back even after I send a comment, but I’ve learned to move past. I keep my journal for me. It’s nice to hear from people, but it’s for me..

    Whenever, if ever, I stop wanting it, then I know it’s time to stop. Either you’ve hit that point or are in a slump you will move past. Either way I hope you don’t fade away altogether. I check with you everyday, even if you haven’t written anything at all. I’d miss you. I always hate removing a person from my favourite places list. I have a bunch of names saved, even if I’m not on their friends lists. I always get a little sad when I finally give in and delete one that hasn’t had an update in forever.

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