Concerning. . .

(3:11 P.M. US Central Time/Wednesday/HCC library)

[imood mood at time of entry: none/not changed due to lack of time]
Personal Mood at time of entry: hot

The dating of Black men:

Just. Don’t.

The topic of common sense not being common:

This could not be more true of the Chinese government banning toxic goos in their toothpastes. Would one know NOT to put toxic substances in things that go into people’s mouths?

Lucky breaks:

Sometimes they do happen. Be very, very thankful. I am. I was tipped a hundred bucks last night, which I desperately needed.

The purchasing of cell phones:

They are a special kind of hell that will one day force me to kill, kick, spit on, pinch, slap, or generally bitch slap someone. Let’s hope that day is not on its way soon.


Will be headed there soon after I finish this, do my dailies on Neopets, and deposit the rest of the 100 in my bank account.

Harry Potter the Fifth:

I’ve got to see that flippin’ movie. I could already kind of tell from the way the series had been going and the commercials that the movie would yet again be absolutely nothing like the book. Early reports from the news confirm this. Might just have to round up a posse and go beat some sense in J.K. Rowling. Isn’t she supposed to be involved in the creative direction of these films. If they are nothing like the book you wrote, I’d think you’d notice.

Apparently not.


*glompty glomp*


*is getting butt kicked from extreme heat and lack of moneys*


Wish I had more of it, but I don’t. So aloha until next time.


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