Me? An abuser of literature? Never.

(4:34 P.M. US Central Time/Tuesday/WorkSource)

[imood mood at time of entry: cheerful]

So, my secret is out. I wasn’t even hiding it very well to begin with. Two of my largest fandoms are from books. *hunch*

I found this a week or so ago, and I laughed through the entire thing.

I know that some of my DD friends should go right ahead and admit the abuse, too.

I got this from: Gilyann

1. I have read fiction when I was depressed or to cheer myself up.

Yes, and I am not ashamed to admit this. *grins*

2. I have gone on reading binges of an entire book or more in a day.

*shifty eyes* Who have you been talking to?

3. I read rapidly, often “gulping” chapters.

I might have done that.

4. I sometimes read early in the morning or before work.

I refuse to say.

5. I have hidden books in different places to sneak a chapter without being seen.

Those books aren’t “hidden,” they are placed within easy reach. *more eye shifts*

6. Sometimes I avoid friends or family obligations in order to read novels.

They handled everything just fine without me.

7. Sometimes I re-write film or television dialog as the characters speak.

But sometimes it just so bad! I can’t help myself, and I am not to blame. *eyes nameless movie lines*

8. I often read alone.

*snorts* I prefer to read alone.

9. I have pretended to watch television while secretly reading.

Occasionally, if the show is boring and I am with someone who loves it. Usually, I read during the commericals if there is a good show on.

10. I keep books or magazines in the bathroom for a “quick nip.”

I have a stack of books and magazine. I encourage the family to use them, too.

11. I have denied or “laughed off” criticism of my reading habit.

Yes! Mostly when I attended school. Many of the other students didn’t understand my love of reading or writing. The weirdos.

12. Heavy reading has caused conflicts with my family or spouse.

Hurmmm. . . I know that I wanted to leave a nasty someone’s house to go read, I don’t know if that counts.

13. I am unable to enjoy myself with others unless there is a book nearby.

No, not necessarily. If the person is boring or I hate them, then yes.

14. I seldom leave my house without a book or magazine.

Since I could carry a bag to put them in.

15. When travelling, I pack a large bag full of books.

See previous question.

16. At a party, I will often slip off unnoticed to read.

Let me think. I did when I was younger and it was an elementary school class party.

17. Reading has made me seek haunts and companions which I would otherwise avoid.

HP and LOTR has brought me in contact with all sorts of people. I don’t know how many of them I would avoid otherwise.

18. I have neglected personal hygiene or household chores until I finished a novel.

*decides that denial is the best answer for this question, since, the house can obvious clean itself and does not count* No.

19. I become nervous, disoriented, or fearful when I must spend more than 15 minutes without reading matter.

Not normally.

20. I have spent money meant for necessities on books instead.

*hangs head in shame* I blame Half-Priced Books and that damned Waldenbooks!

21. I have sold books to support my reading “habit.”

No, but I really should. The only problem is that I don’t want to let any of my books go.

22. I have daydreamed about becoming a rich & famous writer, or “word-pusher.”

*dies laughing* Hasn’t everyone? In my defense, that bug got to me when I was a small child. I didn’t know what I was doing. Honest.

23. I have attempted to check out more library books than is permitted.

Muwahahahaha!! There IS no book check out limit at our libraries. I can check out 90+ books if I wanted to, and if paid off my fines. *shifty eyes* It’s basically an all-you-can-carry (and keep up with) system here.

24. Most of my friends are heavy fiction readers.

Heck yes! *hugs reading friends*

25. I have sometimes passed out or woken groggy or “hung-over” after a night of heavy reading.

I had the pages stuck to my face.

26. I have suffered ‘blackouts’ or memory loss from a bout of reading.

LOL Uhm. . . No comment?

27. I have wept, become angry or irrational because of something I read.

*gives look* You only have to reference this memory section and plenty of the posts in my journals.

28. I have sometimes wished I did not read so much.

Maybe only once or twice, when I actually cared about fitting in.

29. Sometimes I think my fiction reading is out of control.

Nope. The Internet has taken that honor. Granted, most of that time is spent reading fiction. . . Erh. Onto those results!

Now for the results:

If you answered “Yes” to five or more of these questions, you may be a literature abuser.

Affirmative responses to ten or more indicates a serious reading problem –seek help now!

Fifteen or more “Yes” responses indicates a severe or chronic “readaholic” personality. Intervention is seldom effective at this stage.

Did you honestly need to read the results to know the outcome? I didn’t think so. : D

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One Comment

  1. I mean to comment yesterday and my netscape went to hell all at once there. And I knew I was forgetting something. Anyhow, I would say you have a bad literature habit. It might be time for you to enter into a 12 step program for that. lol

    We got a hand out of what is going to be on the test. Like the questions and stuff. But if I actually learn the stuff it’s better than memorizing it. You know? She wouldn’t shut up long enough for me to learn the stuff she just kept talking.

    The lilies are deep pink on the inside. Like a bright deep pink and then on the ege of the petals they’re white. They’re usually very large lilies too.

    Shoot speaking of school i should really bust out and finish the paper I started so when I start working it’s one less thing to worry about.

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