Work, So-called New Job, and Meme

(3:25 A.M. – 3:50 A.M. US Central Time/Sunday/Home)

[imood mood at time of entry: exhausted]

Work was OK this weekend. The shifts seemed endless! Given that I had only two to four hours of sleep on either work day, and I had to get up at 7/7:30 A.M., I think I did well. The first day (Friday, April 8, 2005) was slow because the shift took place during most people’s work day. There was hardly anything to do besides stand around, talk, lean on something, and be hot.

The second day, yesterday (Saturday, April 9, 2005), was better. The crowds sort of rushed us, and we had plenty to do. At least for most of the shift. We closed later than the other areas around us, and everyone was so ready to go home and sleep. A 7 A.M. to 9 A.M. call time is nothing any of wanted to see.

So all of that got taken care of. I called my new job that I got this week, and asked if I needed to come in. My “boss” told me to come in for Friday and Saturday on Wednesday (April 6, 2005), and both days he told me that he did not need me. Now, he has told me to come in next Tuesday (April 12, 2005). I am sure that he will cancel that day on me as well.

My “boss” told me that he hired two waitresses, but he told me that he was only looking for the one on the day that I was hired. That was me. Now, he’s giving me the shaft on days. I did not get a second job so that I can continue to not work some more. I will ask him honestly if I have been replaced. If I have, I will simply apply somewhere else. Somewhere where I am not paid under the table and risk jail time for tax ivasion.

My “boss” is this man from France who has such a heavy accent, that it is very difficult to understand him. I am certain that he might have taken some offense when I have spoken to him. I try to get the gist of what he is saying to me, but I cannot catch everything when I am working around his accent and our different understandings.

What burns my biscuit is the fact that he is treating this job as a worthless boyfriend would. He is dragging the end out like a final break up. Perhaps he is hoping that I will simply quit. I won’t, even if I don’t like the job very much. I need the money for every day expenditures. I cannot live off of five dollar for the next two weeks. (That’s about how much is left after I pay my current bills.)


I did get good and rant-y, this week on LJ, and people replied back with support. I had had enough of a number of different people/companies, so I wrote one entry broken into letters for each person/group/company. I have not been ranting nearly enough in my journals in the past month or two. This bottling/lazy-ness makes for a very unhappy Danielle.

Also, because I am feeling Meme-y, I will post this one from my LJ here.

– Scan my Interest List and pick out the one(s) that seems the most odd/interesting to you.
– I’ll explain it.
– Then you post this in your journal so other people can ask you about your Interests.

My Interests List can be found here.


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One Comment

  1. Man we look for under the table work here. The entire time I worked for the kennel (6 years or so) that was all cash work. Then at the day care I got paid in cash too. If they’re going to pinch anyone they’re going to pinch the business owner for tax fraud. You’ll only get it if you’re bringing in astromical amounts of money (like Heidi Fleiss). But it’s a good supplemental income to have because you don’t have to claim it anywhere. So like financial aid for school you don’t claim that.

    But dude’s a dumb ass for hiring you and then shafting you on the shifts. You should just call him up and tell him that you need to have a job that actually gives you hours so that you can pay your bills and shit.

    I dont’ know. It’s too early to be thinking here. I just woke up and read the buttons at the bottem of the page and thought the damn thing said "my three way" and I’m thinking there is no way you had a three way and put the pictures on here. lol It’s your three wives by the way. It does say what it’s supposed to.

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