Jade and The Break Up

(11:34 A.M. – 11:51 A.M. US Central Time)

Well, I made it to the library two days in one week. Hot damn! *lol*

I was going to come yesterday, but it was thundering like crazy here. It poured down and stormed and raged and woke everyone up. There was some major storm front moving through Houston from the Dallas area last night. During the day it was some other storm system from the Gulf of Mexico. Geesh.


I always knew that this day would come eventually. Jade and I aren’t going to be speaking to one another very much anymore. As if we already do. It seems that without the Internet Jade does not want to be friends. In fact, when she talked to me on Tuesday she told me that she didn’t know me and that we weren’t friends. She only gave me her cell phone number which she always kept off since she was busy. That I understand, but what I had a problem with is the fact that she refused to share her home phone number. Sure she has that choice, but I gave her my home phone number without a second thought and my number isn’t even listed! No one would be able to find me unless you worked for the government. So I don’t know what her deal was.

This also means that I am going to be needing a new person to read over my stories for me. I don’t really know how to go about doing this as I never shared my real stories with anyone but Jade. So this sucks that I am going to have to replace her. I am still ultra shy about sharing, but that wasn’t really a problem with Jade. Guess I was stupid enough to actually believe that we were friends. Gee what could have given me that idea? Oh, maybe just all the late nights we stayed up chatting about our lives or her sharing her concerns about her baby or me sharing about my problems. Gee, stupid me. Here I am thinking that is what friends do when I was wrong all along.

You know, people should be made to wear signs that tell potential friends and lovers everything about them. That way they can decide before hand to talk to them. In the case of Internet, interaction there should be a pop up. You should be able to have a bad people filter.

I even named a character after her in my last story. Well not anymore! I changed her name to Andrea and called it a day. I also need to go and delete Jade’s name from my address book. You know, because I only put friends in my address book. I am also seriously considering going back and deleting every comment that Jade has made in my journal. I might not. Who knows?

Anyway, I am going to write the other entry. About my hair. *grins* Just for you Brandon!


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  1. Well, I too don’t know much ppl who like them, and when they do they just like the ‘hits’, songs like ‘Ana’s Song’ and ‘Miss you Love’ *sigh* They R so much better than that!

    Hey, couldn’t help leaving a *GOOD LUCK* comment for that friend thing. I know it is very hard when friends let you down, but hey try not to worry too much.


  2. hey! couldn’t help reading the thing about ur hair! wanna advice?! LIQUID GLYCERINE! try it! it leaves hair very smooth. it is at sale at chemists. if u don’t believe me. . . well, you can always ask the pharmacist for some advice before following my beauty tip. *lol* seriously, liquid glycerine makes wonders for curly hair. and now that Winter is coming it might be useful to you! i know because i suffer from that too. my hair is way too rebel *sigh*

  3. Ok…what the hell are you talking about?? I have never said that I didn’t think we shouldn’t be friends anymore. Never. Ok? I have to keep my cell phone off almost all of the time now because of work. I’m at work from 6 a.m to sometimes 6 p.m. I don’t have time to talk. The day I was on the phone with you and the other phone rang I felt bad because I wanted to talk to you…then we had a crisis at school. Danni, you are my friend. But I have no time. Not even for my other close friends. The only time I get to talk to my best friend Alissa is when we’re on the internet…and that is like…never. I’ve talked to her twice in 3 months!! I have a family, a job, and a sick baby on the way. And I don’t like that fact that you think that I’m ignoring you. I hardly have time for me! And I gave you my cell number and not my home number because eiether Justin or Ashley is on the phone all of the time. When I’m not working you can usually reach me on my cell. But I’m at work everyday! I don’t have time to just sit down and relax! But now…fuck…I guess I have a good reason to keep it off, don’t I? And to think…I was gonna stop by here and tell you that I was sorry for ignoring you (which I am NOT) and post my belly pic page. But then, I see one of my so called best friends saying shit that I’ve never said. So, I guess this is it. You can e-mail me if you want, but don’t bother calling me since I "don’t want us to be friends anymore". Damn…I thought you were different…but you’re like all of the rest.

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