*sighs* Long and Drawn Out Process

(2:47 P.M. – 3:05 P.M. US Central Time/Downtown library/Sunday)

[imood mood at time of entry: good]

Well, I’ve got yet another batch of papers due this week. I have two for Speech and I need to turn in my article summaries as well. I have the information I need to write one of the papers, but I haven’t seen the video that the second paper is based on. I hope that I get to see it tomorrow (April 5, 2004) and will be able to write the paper on it since it is due Tuesday (April 6, 2004).

I’m here at the library and I ran into two of my friends from Lee. It’s so strange seeing them again after not seeing one of them for a year and the other longer than that. We are all at the end of our Senior year and will be heading off to college. I have yet to make another solid decision as to where I will attend school. Sarah is going to go to an art school in Canada. Elizabeth is going to go to U of H for theatre and writing. These are typical choices of both of them seeing as how we were all in the Humanities program at Lee. I miss Humanities!!! No one at my current school is at all interested in the arts. To suggest a trip to the museum would be like ordering death. *rolls eyes*

I was originally going to go to the University of Tulsa, but then I heard too many things about Tulsa’s Ku Klux Klan and I changed my mind. Now I have to look into other college options. I think that I am going to stay in Texas so that I am not too far from home. I never know when I might need to go home for something. That and I don’t want to spend my first year away from home across the country somewhere. I’ve got a big book of colleges that I can look through at home. I need to get on that quick.

I plan to spend the Fall doing college visits and applying, so I need to figure out where I want to go. I do know what kind of school I want to go to. I want a liberal arts school or one that big on the arts in some way. I want to go for writing courses, Journalism, and Communication. I am sure that my major will be Communications and my minor will be Journalism, that or I will have a double major. I haven’t clearly decided yet.

I looked at an ACT practice test and I will go take the whole thing one of these days so that I can have some kind of practice. There’s also a practice SAT test on the same site. It’s called LearnATest.Com. I hope it helps.

I have to get through this paper and then I am going to go home for the day. I will not be heading back to my Aunt Percious’ house because I don’t want to have to put up with anymore of her crap. She orders me around like I am the hired help. In fact, I had to miss out on a paying job as an extra yesterday (Saturday, April 3,2004) because my mom made me help clean up my aunt’s house so that it would be spotless for some inspection today. Puh.

I also need to redo my resume so that I can go on the job hunt again. I am on call as a PA, but I am going to need something else after the production wraps. I know that I have some more work days coming to me, but I don’t think that it is going to be enough.

I have so many college entry tests to pay for and I plan to buy myself a brand new computer in addition to paying for college. I know that it would be cheaper to buy the parts and put it together myself, but I don’t have the time or know how. I guess that I could get a book, but it’ll just be easier this way. I’ll have to see what I am going to do in a few months after I have saved up some money.

I worked on reposting my Haldir stories with all the mistakes taken out. I also posted the part that was NC-17 on AdultFanFiction.Net so that I would not be breaking any of the FanFiction.Net rules anymore about story ratings.

My time is almost up and I will go work on my paper now I guess.


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  1. Oh my. Which part of Texas do you live in? I live in Texas too. I ended up going to the college in my town which is a liberal arts college. It is a great school. My dad even teaches freshman english there. There is a great communications program too. You should look it up. The university is Stephen F. Austin State University. Maybe you have heard of it??? I’ll give you a site to go look at http://www.sfasu.edu If you don’t like that one I can help you look for other schools. I had a ton of trouble finding a school. Then I realized I could only afford to go in my hometown which was fine cause the college is great here.

  2. You’d be surprised at how many cities have a KKK group. There’s one in my city. Some of the highest member’s of the city are part of it too. They are just stupid red necks that get together to spout their views. They don’t actually go out and hang people or beat people like back in the day. I do know of some people who have come across gatherings in the woods where they are yelling and burning shit, but as far as I know they are just a bunch of idiots that were never really taught anything. Noone even know that there are kkk members around east texas anymore cause they are so rare and hush hush and because well, noone just thinks about it really. Maybe if this was an all white town like Vidor Texas. =(

    If you did decide to go to SFA you wouldnt have a thing to worry about. I doubt you would in Tulsa either.

    It’s probably just a redneck backwoods thing just like here.

  3. Whoa. I had no idea about the parade. People are so… Ah!!! I just hate people like that. Why can’t we all just get along. I love everyone except stupid people like that.

  4. You might be sacrificing your education if you go to purely Lib arts school. They are very broad (philosohpy, psychology, sociology and so forth are also lib arts). Since you know your major you should look for the best options for you that offer that major and have emphasis on that major. There’s a great writing school in New York I know.

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