A Band Aid Over The Boo Boos

(4:58 P.M. – 5:48 P.M. US Central Time/Saturday/library near my Aunt Precious’ house)

[imood mood at time of entry: OK]

It has been ages since I last wrote here. There were so many times that I wanted to come in and type and couldn’t or didn’t have enough time. I should be able to hang out here alone for a little while though.

So this week Prestina, Cris, and his friend Redie called my house and harassed me. They were all “Bitch you better give Cris his fucking money. Blah. Blah. Blah. I’m a stupid piece of shit that fucks myself and my cousins. *laughs* *cough cough* Prestina and Cris *cough*” If they don’t now, they should since Prestina’s “man” left for Louisiana a couple of weeks ago and won’t be back (and of course she had come crying to me even though she is telling everyone who will listen to her that we are no longer friends) until March sometime and Cris, well Cris is always ready to have sex with anyone off of the street. That’s the kind of whore he is. I am sure glad that I never slept with him, *lol* but I’m sure Prestina has! *laughs*

{Disclaimer: None of the above about the two aforementioned cousins, Prestina Louise Ford and Cristin Devon Moses, Sr. (That’s right, he has a son and it was this big secret.), sleeping together is true, though it should be.} *lol*

Anyway, I went to school yesterday after being out forever with strep and then the next phase which was broncitis (sp?). It was freaking awful! I had to deal with the sore throat thing with strep and then I had to deal with burning up and being delirious with broncitis. There was also the super duper fabulous chest pains and not being able to breathe throughout the majority of the length of the process. I was seriously out of my mind. I have so many details, but I feel so tired and worn out. Maybe I will get around to typing them up. But at least I am much better now.

I was supposed to go out on a date with Felix tonight, but that’s not happening. I don’t see Felix as a potenial love of my life as he is majorly obsessed and talking about marriage. What is it with me and these marriage guys? Yuck! They jump ahead too soon. Even though I am not attracted to him in any way I still wanted to give him a chance since he told me that he had been trying to work up the courage to speak to me for months now. A crush is very delicate thing and one can’t go about stomping all over it. So I try and endure his phone calls as best that I can. Part of the problem is that I cannot always fully understand him. He was born in Africa and was raised in Spain. I love foreign men, but I would like to understand the words that they say.

I can’t go because of my Mom of course, but not for the reason some might think.


I am really tired. Guh.

So I checked my email yesterday (Friday, Jaunary 23, 2004) and found that I had not one, but THREE new chapters in my favorite Haldir slash story waiting on me. There IS a God! *laughs* (That wasn’t meant to be offensive, I do believe in a higher power, okay? No emails are wanted. Thank you.) So I can’t wait to hop over to the site and read them. Yum!

After I finish here I am going to go back to Aunt Percious’ house and sulk some more since Mom was supposed to come pick me up to go get my LOTR video from the library near my house. She picked up my Uncle Julius, whom I hate with a sickening hate of death, instead to go run his errands. *grumbles something about a bitch* *slap slap* Yuck. I canNOT stand this man. Talk about a Felony waiting to happen. *shakes head*


Oh! I forgot to talk about how fun school was. I got to stroll through the halls to class and pretty much do my own thing. I have Gym for first period. My only assignment is to dress out and sit quietly for an hour and a half since my teacher is the Boys’ basketball coach and it of the upmost importance that he watch them play on the court and shout out orders and stuff. *lol* Yea. It doesn’t hurt that there is practically no one in the Boys’ Gym at that period either.

I didn’t even show up to second period as my friend Nay ran into me in the hallway outside of the Gym. She was one of the people who hated that I left my home school in the first place. We went riding around to the store to place an order for a birthday cake for her boyfriend and to different places to eat.

I did check in with the teacher after I came back and the bell rang for third period to begin. I hid out for the last 20 minutes of second period like the naughty child that I am.

Third period is Algebra 2B and it is dirt easy. All the students there seem to be either overly stupid or not very well taught because they couldn’t even comprehend the FOIL method (First Outside Inside Last). That sucks for me because everything is slowed down and I don’t get to learn much of anything so far.

I didn’t get to go to fourth period, which is a computer class (Yay!), because the teacher wasn’t there. We got to go to the library. I learned three new card games that I am dying to play again, Crazy Eights, Kings’ Corners, and Speed II.

la la la la la



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One Comment

  1. I’ve had a run of those guys that are all into instant commitment too.

    Just think positive about your easy class (I’m in easy class hell right now). It gives you more oppertunity to skip class in the long run because chances are you’ll do well on the tests which is all that really matters.

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