Finally Peaceful

(2:17 P.M. – 2:46 P.M. US Central Time/Thursday/4th period- Computer Application)

[imood mood at time of entry: peaceful]

School was not so bad today. Not that bad at all. It was quite pleasant in fact despite the crimson wave thing. I think that getting it has made me a lot calmer and relaxed. I think the combination of hormones and the stupid student population nearly drove me over the edge this week. I don’t know. I seem almost materal or something. Just so danged peaceful after being pissed all week.

Even Algebra was great. It was strange. I worked throughout the period and the noise level, which is usual enough to rival an airplane in decibels (sp?), was a dull mumur the entire class period. I am thankfully happy to say that the work is getting harder and I am learning some things. My teacher gave this truly grateful look today. I was asking her some questions because I actually wanted to learn the material instead of goofing off or cheating or just writing down everything off the chalkboard. I was asking her something and she was like “Thank you. Thank you.” with this look in her eyes. She just stared deep into my eyes and said “Thank you.” I looked at her all confused because I didn’t know what she meant. She told me that I was doing the work the way the class was supposed to do it. Try to get as far as you could after everything had been explained and then ask in depth questions to get a true grasp on the lesson. She said all of this like I was the dream student. I suppose that I am in a way since I yearn to consume knowledge with a feverish pace and teachers having a higher calling of sorts to inform. A match I suppose.

A random guy that I’ve seen walking home down my street with his friend asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday. I told him “No.” because he didn’t even know my name and I did not know his. (He was walking with me because he had asked if he and his friend could share my huge umbrella since we all lived on the same street.) After that it was because he kept asking about my breasts. Berk. Boys. He saw me in Gym today in 1st period and he stopped walking the Gym to say hello to me. It’s funny though. The guy was cute, but he was a pig. His friend wasn’t as attractive, but he was a gentleman. *sigh* It sort of sucks when the cute guys, and this one was thick the way I like them, are yucky, stupid idiots and the guys that I am not exactly attracted to, but would adore me, are the good guys. I know reading back over that it sounds shallow, and it is to an extent, but I would like to be at least attracted to the person physically. It doesn’t even have to immediate either, just eventually there.

I’m glad that I don’t have to go to school tomorrow (Friday, February 13, 2004 [my lucky day!!! Whoohoo!!!]) or Monday (February 16, 2004). Yea!

I have a few songs that I want to look up and get the lyrics for to paste in my offline journal. I want to get “As” by Stevie Wonder and the fight song that the Tuskegee Airmen were singing in the movie by the same name. I rented it and it was excellent! I just regret waiting so long to watch it.

It turns out that I didn’t have to do the television viewing, the movie viewing, and read the book. I had to just pick one. Guh. Talk about overkill. I’ll do the papers on the movies since there are only two of them. It’s not exactly a paper paper, but a page that we answer questions on.

I am going to go get caught up on my Notifies and then go read some more of my story.

To Magic:

That cute little kitten’s name is Neko and I got here from a website. I saw it in a girl’s journal long time ago and clicked on it. I got the code for it and placed it at the top of every page in my journal. If you’d like the HTML code leave your email for me.

To Chaos:
I know what you mean about it (incest) still being a form of abuse even if its consentual, I suppose. I just think that it was the forbidden factor that made me find it appealing in the story much like the BDSM. That and it was being done by elves. I don’t know if I could EVER get turned on personally by someone beating me with a whip or anything else, but a good wrestle is always welcome. I guess that I will have to wait and see what type sex person I will be in the future.

Lots of Love,


P.S. Cris sent me this email about being in his dash. If I go to the library later today or tomorrow then I will write about it then.

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