Update, but no progress
(3:51 PM – 3:58 PM US Central Time/Friday/Downtown library)
Personal Mood: Depressed and just plain down
I’m all over the place these days. I’m still working, but I’m more on my last leg than I ever was. At least, for a long time now. I’ve never looked forward to going to work, but since the manager change, it’s been even more so. I’m looking at my options and I’ve printed out numerous copies of my resume, but I’m completely lost. I really don’t know what to do. *sighs*
I’m more depressed than anything else.
And this is exactly what this is, my depression and anxiety going untreated. I would love more than anything to be on medication and possibly have a nice stint in a lovely, controlled nuthouse somewhere. Or maybe just see a therapist, but I could use almost any reason to get away from daily life. I just can’t afford any of that.
Am headed back to work for my second shift of the day and will try not to go crazy. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s (Saturday, October 31, 2009) potentially offensive costume. I do look rather cute in it, if I do say so. Which I do. 🙂