Writing and Bowling Angels

(4:40 A.M. – 5:06 A.M. US Central Time/Home/Wednesday)

[imood mood at time of entry: cold]

So it turns out the writing upswing I have been going through has decided to stick around for a little while. Last night, I wrote out an entire fic that brewed from one exchange I thought of. I haven’t done a word count on it yet, because it hasn’t been fixed up and beta’d, but it’s got to be well over 3,000 words long.

Not only this, I finished a long-standing Star Wars fic that I began all the way back in February last week. Hell, it’s off to the beta’s now, and I am expecting to post it next week. I try to give my beta’s generous amounts of time to get fiction back to me, so I am looking for the fic to be returned next week sometime.

To date, I have three fics for three different fandoms that are off to be looked at and I have another one that will be sent out soon. This is amazing for me, because I went through this rough down period where I couldn’t even drag myself here to write journal entries. I just kept it all bottled in. Journal entries, fiction, emotions, everything.

I still don’t have a ready fix for everything, but it feels so damn good to have my largest creative outlet back. When I wasn’t writing, I didn’t know what to tell people about myself. Writing had always been a huge part of my life, and then it was suddenly gone. Was I still a writer if I was having severe block and stress to boot?

I honestly didn’t know and that only made things worse. It truly did.

The biggest surprise of them all is the fact that I can apparently write smut, if given enough incentive and have enough hormones on hand. Thank you, Ovulation! : D

I’ve even discovered the best place to write said fiction where I am seated comfortably and I am not in my hindering house, the college library, of all places. The only thing I have to worry about are the people who walk behind me and might possibly read something I am writing, because everyone knows that nothing makes a good impression than “hard cocks” and “deep thrusts.” *wane smile* Not that I‘ve ever written those particular phrases. *cough cough*

There’s also the fact that the people who walk behind me simply startle me, due to my tendency to become so engrossed whatever I am currently working on. I can’t help it, really.

So I am all kinds of proud of myself for that, because I strove to push away from my normal writing style and write some of the stuff that I spend so much time reading. Of course, I had already had the itch to try it before, but that pairing (Vincent/Hojo) really was the push to make me actively try my hand at it. Now if only I don’t die of embarrassment and flee LiveJournal forever. Heh. At least I can always come home to DD if I do feel the need to do so. : )

Off the top of my head, I think that there are at least four more fics I want to write. One for “Smallville” and three for “Final Fantasy VIII.” I already completed the “Harry Potter” story I wanted to write last night, as that was the fic that I had been working on. It’s finished and a total crack fic about Luna’s take on how a person gets “cooties.”

Yes, you read correctly, but it’s not really “cooties,” per se, that’s going around. Let’s just say that people shouldn’t swap spit so readily with multiple partners.

I had my brother read it before I even edited the darned thing and he told me that it was good. I suppose it’s because I don’t write a ton of humor and crack that contributed to my momentary doubt of whether I was going to even post the fic or not. So I went to a fan fiction reader for a little feedback.

Anyway, it sounds like it is thundering again outside, so I might have to shut the computer off in favor of catching a few hours of sleep before I go to the college library to post this and work on my fiction and Inboxes.

Oh! I had to do a bit of heavier modding on my Chase/Jack community Monday (July 3, 2006). Some jerk came in and flamed a community member, and I had to post a notice to the watchers of the community about Anonymous posting being taken away if it happened again. Even though the vast majority of Anonymous posters have been absolutely wonderful to the community’s posters, I refuse to leave my community’s members open to flames from homophobic persons. I simply will not allow it.

If I make sure that all of the people who leave a comment have to sign in, I can at least ban the account and have something substantial to report to LJ Abuse.

Argh! I keep hearing sporadic rumblings. I am going to hang on for a second longer to see if I can indulge in a bit of FFVII fic before I turn in, even though I am dirt tired and I should have been asleep by now.

I hope that everyone is well.


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  1. moist and thrust are such good words. So is flaccid. I worked flaccid into a college paper last year. Pride and joy right there.

    Shoot I forgot my thought. Zoning out…. i still have your pet. lol We’re like online at totally different times since I started working again.

  2. If I’m doing afternoons I’m usually on the computer until like 10am. Depends. And then after midnight again. However, the fuckers are retaliating against me for standing up to them so my hours got cut and I’m on midnights now (go figure) so I’m not sure when I’ll be sleeping or awake. Weekends I’m usually not home until after 5pm. Hmm. It would be nice if you could like lock pets in the pound so that only another user could take them. You knwo?

  3. I’ve totally stalled out pointwise because people just aren’t trading and I never can restock from shops because everyone has that all covered. So I can play games but man I only have the attention span for that for like 20 minutes. You know?

    I don’t get why they make this pet thing so hard for adopting.

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