“Sorry, the baby’s not yours. . . “

(8:58 A.M. – 9:30-ish A.M. US Central Time/Friday/Home)

[imood mood at time of entry: sick (I had a stomachache at the time.)]

Every time that something drastic occurs, I am yet again reminded just how stupid people can be. I just turned on the radio a few minutes ago, and was faced with the aftermath of a woman who called in to the radio station and announced to her husband, and whole world, that she unilaterally decided to get pregnant by another man after they had been trying unsuccessfully to do so for some time now. One of her comments was along the lines of ‘The baby’s not yours, but it will be ours after.”

Okay, I can see why people would be upset with her for making such a statement, but perhaps it is the truth. Her husband didn’t technically father the child growing in her womb, but the result of her actions could be the baby that they were so desperate to create.

Since the topic was one of interest, I listened to a couple of callers’ responses to the situation. One woman called in with a ridiculous sob response, and made the guy seem like this incredibly delicate creature. She whined on about how the wife should hope that her husband doesn’t take his life after this incident. True, it could happen, but the way in which this simpering woman said it made me roll my eyes in disgust. Atom gave her an “Oh please.” in reply, and I was happy to hear it.

Not wanting to hear anymore of her idiotic wailing, I channel surfed for a few seconds. I returned to man who called in, and began his comment with “I don’t consider myself a religious man.” I thought, “Okay, maybe we might get to hear an unbiased opinion on the matter.”

Did I get a chance to hear such a comment? No. It turns out that the male caller simply didn’t know the meaning of the phrase “not religious.” He went on to say that the woman first needed to ask forgiveness from “our Lord.” That was all I needed to hear to turn the station on the rest of his conversation. I decided to enjoy the stylings of Paula Abdul’s “Straight Up.”

When I was finished bopping along to that, I tried again with the same station. Atom was speaking again, and he was pointing out the fact that women stay with abusive husbands for years, and that the husband in this case might stay with his wife. He asked the question we all ask of abusive relationships, why do the women stay? He reasoned that it was certainly possible that this man might decide sticking by his wife is the more important issue to him.

The female caller he was speaking to conceded him the point, and said that she didn’t know. I am guessing that she made some comment about the man leaving his wife. Understandable, but again, who knows what he will do? After her, I simply turned the radio off.

I do have this to say for Atom, he’s come a long way from being one of the most hated (apparently by moms, whose responses he flouted on the air) radio hosts on this particular channel. He and his boss used to get complaints on a daily basis a few years back when he was hosting the afternoon time slot. Sure, many of the things he said were inappropriate, but he was funny, too. I admit that I grew worried when he moved up the daytime slots until he reached the morning show. I wondered what exactly he would say, and just how many complaints would roll in now.

Well, he’s proved himself beyond what I thought he would do. He handled the pregnancy call far better than most, judging by the type of people who called in, whether it was a joke or not.

I also have to commend the fact that he refused to judge the woman or her motives. Maria asked how he could not judge her, but he stoutly refused. I can honestly say that I admire and respect that. Anyone who can remain unbiased in a heated situation certainly has my kudos, because that is one of the most difficult things to do.

ETA: I turned the radio back on for a listen of whatever music might be trickling in as all of the morning shows closed out. There was one last caller who gave his opinion on the woman and her husband. He stated, and I quote, “He needs to hire Chuck Norris to kick that broad into next week.” Right. . . I don’t know how sound that advice is, coming from a redneck.

Atom did give the public a peek at Monday’s show. A guy emailed in and said that the same thing happened to him. Whether I like it or not, I am rather curious to know what happened in his situation, since it’s the closest that I’ll get to knowing what happened to the husband from this morning.

I know that I would be devastated if I were in either of their places, but it would be an educational point of interest to find out the reaction directly from someone who’s lived it.

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One Comment

  1. If I were a male and my wife went outside our marriage to get pregnant, I would be devastated. The pregnancy is really not the issue, it is a by-product. I think my focus would be the feelings of inadequacy (she felt she had to go elsewhere), betrayal (again, she went elsewhere to have certain needs satisfied), and trust issues. That is at the front of the saga, at the end of it, what if the "baby donor" (for lack of a better word)decided that he wanted access to the child? Regardless of anything, could anyone truly just walk away knowing that they have a child "out there"? I am sure there are some who can but I would hope that there are more who can’t. Legal battles could ensue. And that would bring up a whole new set of things to deal with. With all the medical treatments available, it appears that this woman was extremely selfish and thinking only of herself. I hope she and her husband can work things out but its going to be all on him and how willing he is to overlook her actions. Lets hope he is strong enough to do so otherwise she may end up alone.

    This is a difficult situation for anyone who is non-biased (or biased)to discuss without having some sort of reaction. Kudos to the morning personality who handled it well.

    Have a good weekend!

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