At Least I’m Hopeful. . . =)

(5:09 P.M. – 5:30 P.M. US Central Time/Friday/Downtown library)

[imood mood at time of entry: ok]

It is as though I am stretched between being wholly content, and being increasingly nagged by worry at the uncertainity of college and job status. A couple of things have changed, and quite a few things have happened since I have last written. I find that it is not the lack of events that halts my writing, but the weariness of soul at having to put more of myself into yet another project.

I have been writing quite a bit on fan fic, and doing tons of research so that everything is correct. I am now, apparently, writing a book. I am actually quite excited about what it is to be, because, I have this vision of what it could become. A multi-part series that follows the growth of one young girl and the people around her. I loved the name of one of “The Benefactor” contestants so much, that the moment I heard her name, I just knew I had to create a character and name it after her. First name only, of course.

As for going to my aunt’s house every day, that stopped last Friday, I believe. I had had enough of my aunt’s nasty attitude and remarks and bitching, so I simply refused to show up. She informed my mother of what I had done (slept on a comfortable pillow, rolled my eyes, and left the house), not knowing that I had already told her what “sins” I had commited, and what she could look forward to hearing about. I also told her what my aunt did and said, so, she’d have the full measure of what was going on.

Well, last week, I tried my best to plow through not only my aunt, but also her brother, my great uncle, in hopes of going home to some relaxation. I suppose I sort of took it instead. I overheard her ordering my mother to take me home and make me come back the next day around 12 P.M. Well before 12 P.M., I was at the library typing my behind off attempting to get a sorely-needed update for my story posted.

Of course that night, my mom came home from my aunt’s, and informed me that I was not welcome at my aunt’s anymore. I am so heartbroken.

If I had simply sat back and allowed my aunt to run over me the way she wanted to, I would not have gotten my computer from Ms. Lathan, or attended the Election Watch Party at Representative Farrar’s house. I had a bit of fun meeting all the politically-minded people. I learned enough that gave me a bit to think over. I also got to network a little bit. I was extremely nervous, but I forced myself to go and talk to people when I got there.

I was/am especially excited that Jessica remembered me from the breakfast engagement. She introduced me to people and chatted with everyone. I even met her father, and we got on perfectly. The food was excellent and the juice, with champagne in it, was not bad. I had three cups, I believe, but no buzz. I think it was so cold that most of it must have went into keeping me warm, instead of getting my drunk. Hrmm.

Chaos: That is a shame about your family having to be watch by the FBI, but you know the government, paranoid as ever about the wrong things. Where the hell was that paranoia when the Japanese and the Sept. 11th hijackers were planning to bomb things? Huh? That’s what I’d like to know. Also, I apologize for being a horrible reader, but I haven’t had much time to read all my journals on DD and LJ. I do try and catch up when I have enough time though. *hugs*

Deimos: Thanks and *hugs* back at you.

Hopefully everything will go well for me. I went to a Job Fair for the Houston Public Library today, Heaven knows I am here enough. I also have to decide whether I am going to sell the outdated computer Ms. Lathan gave me and buy a new one, or try and fix it up. Decisions. . .


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  1. The US knew about Japan’s plans to bomb pearl harbor but a premptive strike would have looked real bad at that point in our history. Plus they really needed a legitimate excuse to herd up the Asian people and put them into camps.

    We knew about Sept. 11 also it’s just that some people decided to not react on that. Oddly enough it coincided with Bush’s plummeting popularity ratings but I’m not going to get into that.

    I’m not all about this terrorism paranoia. We are another country in this great big world and at the moment we are bullying pretty much everyone so it’s only a matter of time before something bad happens again and maybe it’ll take something bad to make things go right again.

    Between my communist grampa, my dad causing quite a scene at his draft to vietnam (didn’t end up getting drafted because he was such an ass), my immigrating to canada and proclaiming myself socialist I’m fucked as far as being able to do everything I wanted in this country. It’s the way it is for a lot of people. Someday it’ll get back to the way it was meant to be. It’s just going to take time.

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