LiveJournal and The Gift

(2:53 P.M. – 3:20 P.M. US Central Time/Monday/Downtown library)

[imood mood at time of entry: challenged]

So I finally signed up for a LiveJournal account. I did not do so because I wanted to have a journal there, but because a friend of mine recently had to close off his account. All of these bitchy and religious zealots kept posting comments and sending him emails about his artwork. He draws mostly slash (gay) elf pictures. That are of professional quality and resemble photographs most of the time because they are so detailed. It truly sucks that some people are so ignorant and intolerant of other people’s beliefs and work.

I may be slightly misanthropic, OK, an all-out misanthrope at times, but I am never one to just out and out flame someone because they posted or said something I didn’t like. If I ever had a problem with someone, I came here and vented, then it was over. I didn’t go around posting mean and nasty comments, I don’t attempt to launch crusades against them, and I certainly didn’t harass them. I let them do their thing and I did mine.

It was so fucking ridiculous too. If these people truly were offened by his art, they should have just left. They said their peace so that should have been enough. He has warning all over his site saying what type of drawings he posts and so on. But these people simply could not leave well enough alone. No, they had to pick and scream and threaten him. They tried to get his journal and website shut down. I can’t believe the amount of energy that these people spent on trying to bring my friend down. Bastards.

Anyway, if you’d like to see the art in question. You can join LiveJournal, or his Yahoo! group. It really isn’t all that bad.

Oh, I would simply ignore the dreams, but frankly I can’t. There’s no way for me to explain why I can’t to someone who does not experience the same things that I do. Ever since my childhood, I have had this overwhelming sense of self. I have always been tuned into my intuition. My dreams have always served as a warning beacon for up coming events in my life and those of the people around me. I always know when someone is going to die or something bad is going to happen. I get sudden and intense thoughts or feelings that come true. It is a gift, but I don’t know how to manage it really. I mean, what am I to do?

If I had been raised in a magickal family, who would have embraced my ability to communicate with the dead instead of condemning me and calling me a freak, then maybe I would have turned out better. Maybe, if I had a foundation that told me to trust my unnervingly accurate instincts, then maybe I would be better off today. But I didn’t and I’m not. It’s especially hard to believe that my family wouldn’t believe the things I told them when this gift runs in the family. I am not the only one in my family that sees ghosts or knows things before they happen.

Even though this is the case, my family is old and chooses ignorance over enlightenment. At times it makes me ache, but most it makes me sad knowing what type of life I missed out on. I really need to find someone who has a better grasp on these type of gifts, because, I am certainly not going to get the support I need from my family. They gave me these gifts, and them damn me for them. I never asked to know what I do, but hey, it is what it is.


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One Comment

  1. One of my friends had a LiveJournal that she had to make private because of that same sort of harassment. I have an account there specifically to read hers and do nothing else on LJ….but I figure that I might use it one day if dies or something.


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