Aeolian Quizzes

6:15 P.M. US Central Time

I quite behind in my link and quiz posts. Here are a couple of fun quizzes that I found in AeolianSolo’s diary. He created them the quizzes, by the way.

John Wayne
You are cool as a cucumber, Tough Guy. You are
unflappable. Everyone wants to be your friend
in a
crisis, since you know how to keep your head when
things head south.

How Tough Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Image of Abraham Lincoln
Congratulations! You are for real! You are at
least moderately successful in life, and people
admire your genuineness. You respect yourself
and others, and have many true friends. To
you, adversity is merely a challenge, and you
are generally happy.

Are You For Real?
brought to you by Quizilla

I will attempt to find all the quiz results and links that I have been holding on to. It’ll take some time though.


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  1. It’s just dreams, hon. Don’t worry about them too much. Everyone has dreams like that from time to time.

    "All I am missing is the fast car and a babe on my arm. I can’t afford either at this point."

    Damn, you can buy women now? Hook me up! *grin*


  2. Dreams are a tricky area of the mind. The comforting side of me wants to say not to worry about it. You know? The psychological side wants to say that it’s just your subconcious unwinding and trying to work out the more complicated issues in your life.

    On the other hand I’ve had some freaky coicindences in the realm of dreams. Also in the realm of tarot, but that’s not up for discussion here. Like the night my friend was murdered I woke up at the exact time that he died sobbing having a bad dream. I’ve dreamt about him telling me things since then and they have typically applied to my life. I’m pretty sure that I dreamed about my house before I bought it too. In my more haunted places of living I have had horrible dreams. Same with my friend Shawna. She didn’t even know someone had died in one of her apartments and had icky dreams night after night.

    So I don’t know. It’s easy to find connections in hind sight and stuff. So I know how the skepticism plays in there but if you feel that there is something you should persue further with your dream maybe do it. Maybe you’re supposed to get a job as a school counselor or something and help the people that are there while not failing anymroe. Or going to school to be an english teacher. You never know.

  3. Don’t forget Freud said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." I had a shrink once who told me not to take too seriously any dreams I had while on antihistamines. Dreams have only the meaning you assign to them. Sometimes they’re meaningful in the same way you can look at tarot cards and let the images lead you to your own conclusions based on your knowledge, life experiences, and desires. Sometimes dreams are simply random firing of synapses and don’t really "mean" anything.

    The fact that you want to do something important with your life, even if you don’t know what that is yet, shows that you have the intelligence and the wherewithal to do it. Lots of people don’t know what they’re supposed to be doing, even in their 40s and 50s. Be patient with yourself and deal with only one thing at a time.

    And I’m glad you liked the quizzes; they were fun to make.


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