To New Beginnings

(6:37 P.M. – 6:56 P.M. US Central Time/Tuesday/Downtown library)

[imood mood at time of entry: groovy]

Awww. . . the smell of looove. It’s in the air you know. At least it is on my shirt. No, not that smell, but that of my new boyfriend’s hair. That’s right, I got a boyfriend. *lol* It’s not an unexpected boyfriend at all. I met him a couple of years ago at my current high school and we clicked instantly. Circumstances kept us from getting together then.

As the wonderful Fates would have it, I ran into him last Thursday (June 3, 2004) on the bus on the way to fill out my application at the dreaded *gasp* McDonald’s. He was on his way to work to pick up his check and we picked up where we left off as if we hadn’t been parted for two years.

He originally sort of asked me to be his girlfriend a couple of days ago, but I told him that I wanted to know him as friends more. Sure, I knew that I liked him, and that’s good and well, but I did not want to make the same mistake of rushing into another relationship as I have a tendency to do. I should have known that I was smitten and would not say “No.” too many more times if he asked me.

I just came from his house and ended up here. We were originally going to hang out there, but his job called him in and he had to go. We laid on the floor talked, tickled, were teased, drank Kool Aid, and meshed. I could tell that he wanted to kiss me, and I wanted the same, but I was not going to press the issue. Frankly, even if we never officially claimed one another, we would have still been the great friends, which I would have been OK with since we are so close.

We like just about all the same things and there is no awkward silence when we are together or on the phone. I never have to worry about feeling insecure because just being with him is enough. He likes me *cough* loves me for me, just the way I am. I am all that he wants and I don’t have to worry about him cheating on me. It’s funny, I never thought I’d end up with someone from “that ghetto school”, but I found someone. He goes to another school now, but I found him there all the same.

I have double good news since I got my job at McDonald’s. I wasn’t 100% sure they’d hire me, but I couldn’t figure out why they’d turn me down. I start work tomorrow at 5 P.M. until 9 P.M. I also work until Friday (June 11, 2004) at the same time. So I will get 12 hours this week. I only want to work perhaps 25-30 hours each pay period. Working long shifts makes me cranky and hate my job.

Sure, I feel bad working for what is viewed as a lowly job that serves fatting food to a fat nation, but I need a job darn it, and bills have to be paid.

After I leave here, I am going to my aunt’s house to be with my family and celebrate new beginnings.

Happily content,


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