Taking A Breath – Your Congratulations

(12:24 P.M. – 1:06 P.M. US Central Time/Friday/7th Period – French 2 – Library)

imood mood at time of entry: bizarre]

Entry Notes:

The song being used in this entry is:

“Your Congratulations”
from Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
Performed by Alanis Morissette
Lyrics by Alanis and Glen Ballard (<- I think)

***(words here)*** – means that the lyrics are being sung or listened to on the CD player, whichever way you choose to look at it.


I walk through the halls here at school and look at all of the groups of smiling happy students who are loud and “ghetto”. I wonder to myself if my sometime misery is necessary. Maybe I could just be like them and pretend to be all about clothes and sex.

***I wouldn’t have compromised so much
so much of myself for fear of
having you hating me***

But then I realize that it wouldn’t matter because I am not like them. I am not overly into clothes and status and everything superfical. I value life and people and nature and their (people and nature) spirits. So shoot me. They would not like me whether I bent to change myself to become them anyway.

***I would’ve sung so loudly
it would’ve cracked myself!
I became self-conscious
of anything exuberant***

So I keep quiet and keep to myself and say nothing unless absolutely necessary. I try and stay away from the crowds and the hurt that they could inflict upon me. I have become afraid to be seen or make noise in anyway sometimes. I should run screaming down the halls shouting how wonderful I am. Singing at the loudest that my lungs will allow and just be.

***I wouldn’t have sold myself short
I wouldn’t have kept my eyes
glued to the ground
if I had’ve known my invisibility
would not make a difference***

Though I put my best effort into not being here, it doesn’t matter because everyone sees one way or the other. They see when I walk in a door because my large breasts draw attention to me or for my intelligence. There is no where to go, but sit in the middle of the maelstrom and find a way to amuse myself. I rarely take the time to truly look into the eyes of those around me, for I find the ground much more interesting.

***I would’ve run around screaming proudly
at the top of my voice***

If I had have known that I could not just disappear despite how hard I tried, I would not have drawn into myself as much. Maybe I would been more open all of the time instead of some of the time.

***I wouldn’t have said it was in fact luck
I’m talking idealism here***

I wouldn’t have downplayed my triumphs. I would have allowed myself to shine and dazzle in my moments of glory.

***I would not have been so self deprecating***

I would not have gotten into the pattern of beating myself down, but then I have always been my harshest critic. No matter how cruel a person can be, I can do so at the very least, ten times worst because I know what makes me cry and what causes me to stay awake at night shaking with fear. No one could hurt me like I can.

***I wouldn’t have cowered
for fear of having my eyes scratched out!***

I wouldn’t have stayed away from everyone else, even though they didn’t readily accept me as their own. I would have at least put some effort forward. Perhaps.

***If I knew that
I wouldn’t have cut my comfort off***

I wouldn’t have gone out of my way to make myself uncomfortable. I wouldn’t have enjoyed the pain I receive from the evil people around me and my misguided notions of love that always lead to more pain. Little masochist that I am.

***I wouldn’t have feigned needlessness***

I wouldn’t have cast myself in the role of the nobody that no one needs.

***I would not have discredited
every one of their compliments***

If I had have known that I would need the confidence that compliments could give me in a time of need, I would not have thrown them away so carelessly when they were freely offered by well-meaning people. I would have instead appreciated them and held them close so that I may recall them when I needed to. I could keep in mind that there was someone in the world who thought I had some worth when I could not see it myself.

***it was your approval I wanted
your congratulations***

But even in the end, all I have ever wanted was to make everyone proud of me, for it is what I fantasize about the most.


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One Comment

  1. thanks for all the support, danielle. you’re an absolute doll and i love you 🙂

    "i try and stay away from the crowds and the hurt that they could inflict upon me"… sis, i think all of us with spiritual inclinations NEED to stay away from the materialists because that’s the only way we can keep ourselves on a higher plane of thought and being. it took me a long time to realise this but when it finally hit me it was HARD! why should we put ourselves through so much shit all for the sake of… NOTHING!!???

    there’s a quote i used on my diary once, i’ll repeat it here in case you missed out on it:

    i was part of that strange race of people aptly described as spending their lives doing things they detest, to make money they don’t want, to buy things they don’t need, to impress people they dislike.

    – emile henry gauvreay

    think about it.

    and oh, that which you fantasise about the most –

    it’s already a reality.

    nobody that knows you (even in this distant cyber-way) could NOT love and be proud of you unconditionally. you have the biggest heart ever and a wise, gentle mind.

    your sis


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