The Day of The Italics

(4:43 P.M. – 5:09 P.M. US Central Time/Saturday/library near my aunt’s house)

[imood mood at time of entry: sleepy]

I got part of my To Do List out of the way. I added the header I needed to my Alan story chapters and I started going through it and converting it out of first-person format that I originally wrote it in. Phew! That will make the story a little less embarassing. *laughs*

I am well on my way to finishing my Thurgood Marshall paper. I have the beginning, but right now, I am being ultra lazy though I cannot afford to. I wholly planned to write like a maniac while here today, but my mom forced me to wake up early to go see my brother’s great grandmother, who I personally cannot stand. The woman is so insulting to those around her. She “gets away with it” by laughing as she says potenially hurtful things and by being old in general.

People always forgive the elderly and small children when they say mean things because they are considered either to stupid to know any better or too senile. Whatever. We really shouldn’t give these two groups a break based solely on their age. I have seen people in these groups get away with unthinkable acts that would have a person of “normal” age either thrown in jail or be the unhappy recipient of a beating. *grumbles under my breath*

Anyway, back to what I was originally saying, I have yet to complete the Thurgood paper. It does sound good so far. I need to shake off the sleepiness and get to work. I just thought I’d type here first and then maybe read some story and then get to work.

As usual, I had to get off of the computers and let other people use the computers when the rush came in. I did read some rather amusing articles. One of which was on Viggo Mortenson. Phew! That man is firey hot, even at 45! He could show up at my door dressed as any damn thing that he wanted to! *lol*

I have a few books that I am interested in looking up to read. I will be able to check them out once I pay the library all the money that I own them. I think I owe something like $16 in fines/late fees and over $60 to pay for two books that they lost and are sticking me with the bill to replace them. I also lost two VHS tapes, but they don’t know that I have lost them yet. They just think that they are overdue. I need to hurry up and find them or pay for them. They have a $1 fine for every day that they are overdue. Good golly! The library will be able to build another branch by the time they are finished with me!

So here I am wasting time like the lazy slug that I am and feeling somewhere between sleepy and giddy at the stuff that I have read today. I just feel so good and sparkley! I don’t know if that makes sense to anyone else, but it does to me.

I have yet to receive my paychecks from my work on the movie set that I did. I didn’t get anymore hours because no more people were needed. Gosh darn it! The movie wrapped filming here yesterday and they are back in Odessa. I didn’t even get to meet Billy Bob like the other PAs did while working on the set. Damn it! That makes me mad too. I wanted to be able to boast about something besides having blown up dolls. *lol*

Ok, I will get off now and work now or read part of a story and then work. Decisions, decisions. Oh! I am loving the work in my Government class! I don’t understand how people don’t find Government utterly fascinating or how people could actually be failing the class. Ridiculous. *shakes head in stupified fascination*

I have a bit to write about my aquaintance, Ira and my “best” friend Eynar, but I’ve already written too much for today. Maybe tomorrow or Monday. Hopefully tomorrow.

Until further notice,


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