Chatting With Lytewyng

(12:27 P.M./Prestina’s House)

Yea, I know that I said I would go back to regular posts, and that I am still ahead by a few days, but that’ll all be fixed soon. I just wanted to post this up.

I was talking to Lytewyng a few minutes ago. Please note all the lovely sarcasm.

(Reader’s Note:This is Prestina’s AOL name, not mine.)


MissTinaL2u: hey

princelytewyng: Hey.

MissTinaL2u: what’s up?

princelytewyng: My computer is fucked. Keeps freezing up.

princelytewyng: Dunno how long I can stay.

MissTinaL2u: oh i see

MissTinaL2u: is it going out on you?

princelytewyng: Been working on it all day.

MissTinaL2u: oh i see. crazy computer.

princelytewyng: Dunno how long it will be before it locks up again.

MissTinaL2u: oh i see. i say smack it around a bit.

princelytewyng: Doesn’t work.

MissTinaL2u: oh i see. *hunches* then i just don’t know.

princelytewyng: *sighs* It’s a virus, I know it.

MissTinaL2u: so did your area get all flooded too when it rained?

MissTinaL2u: oh, that sucks

princelytewyng: I’ve been trying to get virus definitions for my scanner all morning.

MissTinaL2u: do you have any idea where it came from?

princelytewyng: 13 more minutes and the file is downloaded.

MissTinaL2u: good, good

princelytewyng: Nope.

princelytewyng: It was fine last night.

MissTinaL2u: oh i see. how do you know that it is a virus?

princelytewyng: Here’s hoping I can stay online 13 more minutes.

MissTinaL2u: me too, so you can get rid of that nasty thing

princelytewyng: Because I know what it’s making my computer do.

MissTinaL2u: oh i see. i don’t know much about that sort of thing really

princelytewyng: Keep talking to me, maybe it won’t lock up.

MissTinaL2u: oh ok

princelytewyng: Say anything, just keep sending messages.

MissTinaL2u: so what did you think about my poem that i posted?

MissTinaL2u: oh ok

MissTinaL2u: um

MissTinaL2u: i changed the ending of the poem when i was typing it up on the computer

princelytewyng: I haven’t been able to check my e-mail since this shit started.

MissTinaL2u: the original one didn’t fit

MissTinaL2u: oh i see

princelytewyng: Why didn’t it fit?

MissTinaL2u: well i posted that poem i was talking about on Friday

princelytewyng: Neat.

MissTinaL2u: it just didn’t go with the rhythm of the poem

MissTinaL2u: i am considering posting some more

princelytewyng: 8:28 left.

MissTinaL2u: i also wrote about these two guys in my life

MissTinaL2u: wonderful!

princelytewyng: Hot guys?

MissTinaL2u: i’ll keep chatting away

princelytewyng: Big cocks?

MissTinaL2u: um. . . not exactly

MissTinaL2u: hahahaha

MissTinaL2u: freak!

MissTinaL2u: i wouldn’t know that!!!

princelytewyng: Small cocks, then?

MissTinaL2u: hahahaha

MissTinaL2u: i don’t know

MissTinaL2u: i wrote you a comment in your diary

MissTinaL2u: i think it might have been either one or two

MissTinaL2u: i don’t remember

princelytewyng: Okay.

princelytewyng: I’ll check once all of this virus shit is fixed.

princelytewyng: If possible.

MissTinaL2u: cool cool

princelytewyng: 6:30 left. Just 6 more minutes, please.

MissTinaL2u: i hope that it does get fxed

MissTinaL2u: hehe

MissTinaL2u: pray hard

princelytewyng: I’m trying. I *need* this badly.

MissTinaL2u: i am listening to prestina’s christian music

princelytewyng: 4:56

MissTinaL2u: i know how much you like that sort of thing

princelytewyng: Ugh…fucking Christians…

MissTinaL2u: hahahaha

MissTinaL2u: yea i know

MissTinaL2u: they think they rock though

princelytewyng: BRB

MissTinaL2u: that’s why there’s a cross as her picture

MissTinaL2u: ok

princelytewyng: keep talking

MissTinaL2u: ok

MissTinaL2u: um well i like long walks in the park

MissTinaL2u: beating men about the head until they are senseless

MissTinaL2u: kneeing people in the face

MissTinaL2u: jumping up and down at concerts

MissTinaL2u: walking wonky

MissTinaL2u: going crazy from too much stress that will eventually kill me

MissTinaL2u: i love the idea of being all alone for the rest of my pathetic life

MissTinaL2u: i love not having a piece of pie right now

MissTinaL2u: i just loooove!!! not having my own computer because that rocks my world

MissTinaL2u: i love a lot of things, but the thing that gets me the most is not having the person i desire most

MissTinaL2u: yep!

MissTinaL2u: that’s it! that tops my cherry with cream!

MissTinaL2u: yay!

MissTinaL2u: wah! wah! wah!

MissTinaL2u: go christian music!

MissTinaL2u: NOT!!!!

MissTinaL2u: ok, is this enough talking yet?

MissTinaL2u: if not i can just keep going

princelytewyng: Okay, I’m back.

MissTinaL2u: my fingers and wrists hurt

MissTinaL2u: hahaha

MissTinaL2u: see kept going!

MissTinaL2u: lol

princelytewyng: It’s okay, you can stop now.

MissTinaL2u: hahaa ok

princelytewyng: I have one minute left on it.

MissTinaL2u: oh ok

MissTinaL2u: i did good work?

princelytewyng: Once it’s done I’m gonna go.

MissTinaL2u: ok then

MissTinaL2u: fix that computer!

princelytewyng: You did good work. 😀

princelytewyng: 36 seconds!

MissTinaL2u: heheheh i am going to post this up

MissTinaL2u: yes!

princelytewyng: Okay!

princelytewyng: Post it! Post it!

MissTinaL2u: hehehe it’ll be a few days ahead though

MissTinaL2u: because it’s so long

princelytewyng: Helllllloooooooo diaryland! Visit my diary at !

princelytewyng: Had to get a free plug in there too.

MissTinaL2u: hahahahahahahahahaha

princelytewyng: And vote for me on clix!

MissTinaL2u: weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

MissTinaL2u: me too!

MissTinaL2u: !!!

princelytewyng: Okay, I’m going now.

MissTinaL2u: ok then later

princelytewyng: *hugs* Be a good girl.

MissTinaL2u: i won’t!

MissTinaL2u: *pouts* *hug*

princelytewyng signed off at 12:24 PM

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One Comment

  1. thanks for the comment ((hugs))

    taking a cue from your note to me, i personally enjoy your diary very much and think that you have a wonderful knack for writing about your daily life in an interesting, vivacious manner. i recall you telling me many a time that i "describe" things very well but the truth is i am much more comfy writing about abstract thoughts and vague concepts than "i went here and met so-and-so and did that." i just can’t make it seem as riveting as you can! also the polls etc indicate your openness to constructive criticism and change and that is SO mature. you have a happening and fun diary here that makes readers want to come back for more everytime.

    there. *smiles* and i meant every word of it

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