Wet and Cold

(2:06 P.M. – 2:27 P.M. US Central Time)

I must first let out a contented (sp?) sigh. *contented sigh* Today has been pretty good to me. I got up early (for a weekend/Sunday) and looked around a bit. I then cooked myself a nice breakfast of a burger and an egg sandwich. Very nice.

It had been raining out when I woke up and thankfully it still was raining when I finished eating. I pulled on my favorite black skirt and grabbed my book. I looked out the front door to see if the porch chair was too wet to sit in. It was so I searched for something to dry it with. I came up wih my brother’s green tee shirt. I sat outside and hiked up my skirt to my knees in an attempt to keep it from getting wet. That certainly didn’t happen because the water that fell off the roof hit Mom’s car and then me. I must say that it nice being out there. I let the cold water splash over my legs as I read.

I am getting closer to the end of my book, “Born Confused” (it is “” right?). I borrowed two other books along with “Born Confused” and I already finished one of them. It’s called “The True Meaning of Cleavage”. The book only had a brief explaination of the meaning behind the word cleavge, not nearly long enough to warrant the book being named after it. It was the story of a girl named Jess living through her first year in high school and her friend Sari. It was OK, but I hated Sari sooo much. What a bitch! There is a Sari in BC only her name is Gwyn. She spends all her time making everything about her and stealing Dimple’s Indian culture. Sheesh!

Anyway, I spoke to Chris yesterday and it wasn’t anything Earth shaking either. We just aren’t compatible as people. He’s too quiet and I’ve got loads to talk about. The conversations are always one sided and I end up sounding stupid to myself since I receive little or no feedback from Chris. It’s fustrating. I still think this is some kind of joke as we are not doing anything coupley. He hardly calls and I never see him. Perhaps it would be better if I let him know that I don’t consider him a boyfriend. We didn’t even go to that football that we were supposed to go to. He told me that it was Friday night. He is so useless as boyfriends go. It’s like I am not dating anyone at all.

I am also trying to work on not using the word ‘bitch’ so much. Most of the time when I say or write it I am using it to mean the same as ‘jerk’, but most people don’t get that. Sometimes, I really do mean ‘bitch’. So I am now making an effort to say ‘jerk’ more since everyone, including myself, are all hypersensitive.

Anyway, I want to go check mail.


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