Funny Talk With Peggy

(3:53 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. US Central Time)

I had this funny chat with Peggy and wanted to save it here. I met Peggy through my Jim Carrey Group.

In case no one has noticed, I have links to suscribe to the groups that I talk about here at the bottom of the Welcome Page.

Ok here is our chat:

NoShoes182 [3:21 PM]: hey

Sunflowerseed23 [3:21 PM]: i’d try out all the faces’

Sunflowerseed23 [3:21 PM]: hey

NoShoes182 [3:21 PM]: hey

NoShoes182 [3:21 PM]: ok

Sunflowerseed23 [3:22 PM]: what are you up to?

NoShoes182 [3:25 PM]: trying to find a tool to fill my bike tires up with

NoShoes182 [3:25 PM]: lol

Sunflowerseed23 [3:25 PM]: cool

NoShoes182 [3:25 PM]: my bike tires are flat

Sunflowerseed23 [3:25 PM]: fix that bike!

Sunflowerseed23 [3:25 PM]: aww booo!!

NoShoes182 [3:25 PM]: yeah

Sunflowerseed23 [3:25 PM]: for those tires!!

NoShoes182 [3:25 PM]: haha

Sunflowerseed23 [3:27 PM]: la la la

Sunflowerseed23 [3:27 PM]: how are your yucky spiders doing?

NoShoes182 [3:27 PM]: they’re doing great

NoShoes182 [3:28 PM]: the pinktoe won’t move, but she’s not on her back so that’s good

NoShoes182 [3:28 PM]: she moves a little

NoShoes182 [3:28 PM]: but not much

Sunflowerseed23 [3:28 PM]: oh i see

Sunflowerseed23 [3:28 PM]: made she is pregnant

NoShoes182 [3:29 PM]: no

Sunflowerseed23 [3:29 PM]: usualy being on your back is a good thing . . .

NoShoes182 [3:29 PM]: lol, not for spiders

NoShoes182 [3:29 PM]: if they’re on their back it means they’re dead

Sunflowerseed23 [3:29 PM]: hehehe

Sunflowerseed23 [3:31 PM]: oh i see

Sunflowerseed23 [3:31 PM]: so do you think she is pregnant

Sunflowerseed23 [3:31 PM]: that could be cool!

NoShoes182 [3:32 PM]: no

NoShoes182 [3:32 PM]: shes never mated with another spider

Sunflowerseed23 [3:32 PM]: oh

NoShoes182 [3:32 PM]: yeah

Sunflowerseed23 [3:32 PM]: how do you know???

NoShoes182 [3:32 PM]: because the owner before me had her since she was a baby and he never made her mate

Sunflowerseed23 [3:33 PM]: oh made her i see

Sunflowerseed23 [3:33 PM]: not that’s not right

Sunflowerseed23 [3:33 PM]: what about spidey love???

Sunflowerseed23 [3:33 PM]: lol

NoShoes182 [3:33 PM]: lol, she has no love life

Sunflowerseed23 [3:33 PM]: aww you sick people!

Sunflowerseed23 [3:33 PM]: lol

Sunflowerseed23 [3:34 PM]: she is lonely!

NoShoes182 [3:34 PM]: no she’s fine

NoShoes182 [3:34 PM]: lol

Sunflowerseed23 [3:35 PM]: suuuurrre did she tell you that?? did you even bother to ask??

NoShoes182 [3:35 PM]: yes she told me that

NoShoes182 [3:35 PM]: she’s happy

Sunflowerseed23 [3:36 PM]: no she didn’t! you liar!

Sunflowerseed23 [3:36 PM]: 😀

NoShoes182 [3:36 PM]: lol

Sunflowerseed23 [3:38 PM]: hehehehe

Sunflowerseed23 [3:39 PM]: sick people! 😛

Sunflowerseed23 [3:39 PM]: so did you find your tool?

NoShoes182 [3:39 PM]: no

NoShoes182 [3:39 PM]: still looking

Sunflowerseed23 [3:39 PM]: oh ok

NoShoes182 [3:39 PM]: lol

NoShoes182 [3:40 PM]: i may buy a new one

Sunflowerseed23 [3:40 PM]: i wam going to go post this chat in my journal hold on

Sunflowerseed23 [3:40 PM]: ok cool

NoShoes182 [3:40 PM]: oh ok

NoShoes182 [3:40 PM]: our chat?

Sunflowerseed23 [3:41 PM]: yes!

Sunflowerseed23 [3:41 PM]: what we are doing now

Sunflowerseed23 [3:41 PM]: it’s funny!

NoShoes182 [3:42 PM]: lol

NoShoes182 [3:42 PM]: yeah

NoShoes182 [3:42 PM]: i’m sueing you once you put it in there

NoShoes182 [3:43 PM]: lol

NoShoes182 [3:43 PM]: just kidding

Sunflowerseed23 [3:43 PM]: hehe go ahead

NoShoes182 [3:43 PM]: lol

Sunflowerseed23 [3:43 PM]: you won’t get anything!

Sunflowerseed23 [3:43 PM]: i am broke!!

Sunflowerseed23 [3:43 PM]: <--needs job!
NoShoes182 [3:43 PM]: lol

Sunflowerseed23 [3:43 PM]: you’ll just be wasting time

NoShoes182 [3:44 PM]: i can see it now “Peggy sues Danielle for denying have sexual issues with spider although there is no accusations of Peggy doing so”

NoShoes182 [3:44 PM]: lol

Sunflowerseed23 [3:44 PM]: hahah you pervert!

NoShoes182 [3:45 PM]: either that or “Peggy likes to talk out of her ass”

NoShoes182 [3:45 PM]: lol

Sunflowerseed23 [3:46 PM]: ewww!!

Sunflowerseed23 [3:46 PM]: gross gross gross lol

Sunflowerseed23 [3:47 PM]: 😉

NoShoes182 [3:48 PM]: that’s a figurative saying. . . it’s like me saying “i’m perfect, i don’t do anything wrong” out of the blue

Sunflowerseed23 [3:48 PM]: i know

Sunflowerseed23 [3:48 PM]: but i can’t be sure as you are a fan of jim

Sunflowerseed23 [3:48 PM]: who has actually done this

NoShoes182 [3:48 PM]: lol

NoShoes182 [3:48 PM]: yes

Sunflowerseed23 [3:48 PM]: hehehe

NoShoes182 [3:48 PM]: lol

Sunflowerseed23 [3:49 PM]: 😉

Sunflowerseed23 [3:49 PM]: pervy!

NoShoes182 [3:49 PM]: lol

Sunflowerseed23 [3:49 PM]: well i am pervy too! but we are not talking about me right now

NoShoes182 [3:49 PM]: yes, Jim is a perv

NoShoes182 [3:50 PM]: LOL

Sunflowerseed23 [3:50 PM]: i know!! cool huh??

NoShoes182 [3:50 PM]: hahha

Sunflowerseed23 [3:50 PM]: we can do dirty things! hehehe

Sunflowerseed23 [3:50 PM]: lol

NoShoes182 [3:50 PM]: lol

Sunflowerseed23 [3:50 PM]: hahahahaha

Sunflowerseed23 [3:50 PM]: he can teach me!

NoShoes182 [3:50 PM]: lol, as if you’re not pervy already

Sunflowerseed23 [3:50 PM]: hehehe yea!!

Ok, so that was sort of long but we were chatting away and it is not as long as my chats with Jade. that transcript would go on forever! lol

~ Danielle ~

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  1. I have my diary set up for no unauthenticated comments. I don’t need the abuse either. There are some mean people out there, sorta like back in Jr. High. *sigh* If someone is going to say something, they should put their name to it. Otherwise, it is meaningless drivel.

    Also, the written word can be taken the wrong way, maybe it was meant in humour? Like a chide. Even so it was rude.

  2. re: Your comment. No – I have it set so I CANNOT have unauthenticated comments because I really don’t want to hear it from people who don’t want to say who they are. I also realize that cuts out people who are not DD users, but they can always email me if the feel so compelled. They don’t though, because they would not be anonymous then. *smile*

  3. *tip toes in* Hi sweetie. I really hope that you didn’t mean the last thing that you wrote. I don’t wish you would die. Sometimes I wish I could, but you sometimes are the only reason I have left. Like I’ve said before, people are stupid. They’re even stupider when they don’t have the balls to say something like that then leave a name or e-mail address. That girl is a fucking cunt. I hope she sees this and e-mails me. I truly doubt that she’s even half as beautiful as you are. And I’m not just doing the I’m-such-a-good-friend-and-I’m-gonna-boost-your-ego-so-you’ll-be-happpy-again thing. I’ve had that done to me way too many times to do it to someone as special to me as you. I’ve had weeks where nothing goes right. I have horrible dreams and wake up crying like I’m 4 years old again. I get rude e-mails and posts at the message board. I have personal shit go down 24/7. And you know why I haven’t done myself in? Because there are people like you in my life. I treasure our friendship. So, now its my turn. I’ll keep my mouth shut for awhile and you can vent, scream, cuss, cry, or anything. Just please get the idea of wanting to die out of your head. That scares me. I won’t let you do that. Dammit Danni…I love you too fucking much. I know you don’t feel like talking right now, so I won’t IM you. But please let me know that you’re ok…and you’re gonna be ok.

    I love you, remember that!


  4. *fucking pounces on you* Don’t scare me like that!!! *makes sure my heart is still beating* I know what you mean about the whole the world would be better without me thing. I’ve gone through that phase several times. Suicide is just a tough issue with me. I’ve lost several people to it and I didn’t want to see another one go like that. *hugs* You just have to take the good with the bad. And fuck that girl and all of your peoblems. Like you tell me, if you let them pull you down…they won. You’re too tough!

    Love you!


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