Help a girl out, get your hand bitten off. No surprise there.

(6:13 P.M. – 6:55 P.M. US Central Time/Tuesday/Hcc library)

[imood mood at time of entry: aggravated]

I don’t get people. I know, big shock there, but I just don’t get them most of the time. I don’t get women. I don’t get men. And I sure as hell don’t like them as a whole most of the time.

Usually, it is a passing dislike that is set off by some annoyance they have caused. But recently, Amber, a girl I had been friends with for over two years, suddenly started acting oddly where I am concerned. Now, I don’t know what happened for sure, but I am placing the blame solely on Matt, her so-called boyfriend. I mean, if she only knew about him. . .

Anyway, Amber and I would lose contact for periods of time, but would catch up in LJ comments or over the phone. But since I saw Matt here at HCC snuggling with his other girlfriend a few weeks ago, Amber’s been acting all kinds of janky with me, which only makes me wonder what the fuck is going on. And, what Matt has been telling her.

It’s not even like I am the one she should be mad at. It’s her “boyfriend” that took her to a concert at Fitz’s this past Saturday (February 17, 2007) and had his other girlfriend there at the same time. Matt is the one that somehow managed to get the phone number of lead singer’s (of the band they were there to watch) girlfriend’s number while bouncing between the two of them. Matt is the one that managed to get by on Valentine’s Day and celebrate it both of his girlfriends. Matt is the one that out-right lies to them about everything from whether he’s faithful or not to whether he wants to go an event. (He’s not and he says that he doesn’t to one girl, so that he can go to that place with the other girl.)

He called me last night all triumphant like and asked why I deleted him off of MySpace. I hardly use the thing to begin with, since it’s just there to keep in touch with those persons who only have that damned account. So, if I don’t plan on using it often, why would I have have someone of such limited substance on my friends list? I wouldn’t. End of story.

So, I checked Amber’s defunct LiveJournal and she made a couple of entries about how she did a friends cut and how she didn’t want to answer my calls. Now, she didn’t mention me specifically, but her words were clearly aimed at me, because I have been calling her nonstop to no avail.

It would be one thing if Amber and I actually fell out and had an argument about something. At last check in, we were fine and needed to find time to go hang out together. What I know happened in the mean time was that she was having yet another relationship upheaval with Matt, who, it turned out (Surprise, surprise) to be one of the world’s biggest liars.

What’s worse is the fact that he is the type of guy you’d want to be your boyfriend, in theory. He’s nice enough, affectionate, and seems to be capable of monogamy. He opens doors for his girlfriends, offers to pick up the tab when he takes them out, and heaven knows what else. Okay, I know what else, but let’s not go into that, because Matt and I have had talks that I am sure I shouldn’t repeat.

Even still, I know for a fact he wouldn’t bother to pay his girlfriends the same courtesy, as he told me that he would show me messages that proved that Amber was a freak. All the while that I’ve been trying to get in contact with her, the worrying all came to nothing. I haven’t yet decided what I should say to Carmen, Girlfriend #2 (that I know about), but I haven’t said anything to any of the girls involved as of yet.

It’s shit like this that continues to reaffirm my belief that men truly are a waste of my time and effort at this stage in my life. I am trying to reorganize and set myself up for long term personal success. How in the holy hell would I be able to do that if I spent every other week brokenhearted, because I fell for the wrong guy?

And the killing part about all of this is the fact that Amber (and Carmen) are walking around all happy and with their heads in the clouds believing that Matt is the greatest guy on the face of the Earth, and that they are both going to marry him one day. I sincerely doubt this, even though Matt confessed to still being “in love” with Amber. Not to mention the fact has her in his number one space on his MySpace friends list. This is at the same time that Carmen is not even on his front page, despite the fact that Matt is her number one person.

People in love with someone don’t treat the object of their affection this way. Or, maybe they do and I am seemly confused. So much for trying to save Amber from herself, because she’s obviously plenty happy with taking any reason she can to be an emo drama queen. This is painfully clear from the lyrics she always uses in place of a display name and the whinging journal entries that she writes.

Now, I am not bagging on whinging entries in general, because it helps to get that stuff out once in a while, but more about the fact that she seems to want to be treated this way. In all of the times that I stood by her when she and Matt were fighting or he smacked her in the face or what have you, she chose to go back and take more of that crap. And it’s not like she’s even all that innocent, as she made a copy of his house key and stole his xBox when he let her spend the night after she was kicked out of her parents’ house, yet again.

I know that my life is not one hundred percent, but it is times like this that I am overwhelmingly grateful that I don’t have to deal with this screwed up shit day in and day out. Yes, there are the things that get to me, but they usually aren’t anchored to my feelings about a guy for extended periods of time.

And people say that relationships are so great.

I guess that it’s time for my obligatory “People suck.” comment and for me to go take the link to this journal off of MySpace, so Carmen won’t find it and ruin her imagined Happily Ever After.

I really should stop being ‘such a good friend’ to people (especially women, because they easily become shameless backstabbers), because it has never failed to backfire on me. It truly doesn’t pay to take a person’s side, because they never seem to be able to recall such events when they lose their damned minds over some guy or a new chick friend.

Oh, and I’ve read the comments that I have received in the past. I always mean to come back and answer your questions, CausingChaos, but I end up getting sidetracked. If only DD had an in-email replying system set up the way that LiveJournal does. That would make it a lot easier to reply to everyone.

I hope that everyone is doing better than I am at the moment, because all of this is giving me an upset stomach and leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Ugh.


ETA: No, you know what another killing thing about all of this is? It’s the fact that Amber has the gall to tell someone to stop calling her, when she practically went all stalker on Matt, by calling, texting messaging, and IMming him at all hours of the day and night from numerous phone numbers. Pfft.

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