They Say That Second Interviews Are A Good Thing, Don’t They?

(9:35 P.M. – 10:26 P.M. US Central Time/Sunday/Home)

[imood mood at time of entry: happy]

Personal Mood: Optimistic

{{I know that I do!}}

Notes: The bulk of this entry was written yesterday at home. Also, there are spoilers for both “Lost” and the movie “Stranger Than Fiction” in this entry. You are able to glaze over those bits by use of the marked spoiler space.


I’ve been meaning to sit down and write this for days now, but have either lacked the time or true ambition to do so. None of that really matters, because all of the news is just as good now as it was when it first happened.

God! So many hopeful things have happened that I am not entirely sure where to start. *happy grin*

Well, I suppose that I should go in order. I got out of the house last week. I mean, really out of the house, not just to the college or to the Work Source. I finally decided that I truly did need to go somewhere and do something fun to help distract myself from my daily stressors for even a few hours.

When I ran into Darren last weekend, he told me about the latest set of movie passes that he had managed to pick up. The man is perpetually ‘blessed’ with freebies. He can be one of the stingiest people that I know when it comes to putting down his money for anything for anyone other than himself, but he does seem to always know where he can get the best free stuff. Not only this, he is willing to share the passes that he gets. The passes are usually to movie premieres and for the IMAX, both of which of a good time to be had.

The movie in question was “Stranger Than Fiction.” I truly did mean to come home and write a glowing review right away, so that everyone would know before it was officially released what to expect from the film. I might not have done that, but I am telling you now, expect great things from this movie.













It’s the story of Harold Crick unexpectedly discovering the fact that he is merely a “character” in the latest novel of the famed tragedy author, Kay Eiffel. We first see him going through his daily routine of counting his brush strokes, counting the steps he takes to get to the bus stop in the morning, and his on-going dependant relationship that he has with his wrist watch. He goes about his day to his job as an IRS auditor answering pop quiz-esque math questions thrown at him by co-workers as he looks into his necessary filing and the next case that he must pursue.

In all of his mundane glory, he completes his tasks in a manner that no one would inadvertently mistake for being exciting. To this is added a narrating voice that only Harold can hear inside his head. He attempts counseling and going on with his auditing assignments, to a rebel-owned bakery, no less, to little avail. Eventually, he takes the advice of his psychiatrist and seeks out someone who is an expert on literature, since Harold insists that he is not crazy or simply imagining what’s happening to him, but that he is in fact, involved in sort of story.

And so he meets Professor Jules Hilbert, who goes on to unconsciously help Harold discover that The Narrator is Kay Eiffel. Professor Hilbert tells Harold that he should give up trying to survive his storyline, as this particular author kills off all of her characters. This is after he has spent days helping Harold figure out whether he was in a Comedy, where things would go wrong, but he would survive to ‘get the girl’. Or, whether he was in a Tragedy, where things would grow worse and worse for our beloved protagonist until they are killed off.

In his desperation, Harold uses an old tax audit to track down the noted hermit and rather eccentric Ms. Eiffel. They meet after Ms. Eiffel writes in that Harold makes a frantic phone call, only Ms. Eiffel is on the receiving end of the call. Harold’s contact with her causes something of a breakdown for her when she realizes that she has possibly killed several people before it became known to her that Harold Crick was a real person.

After all of this, Harold and Professor Hilbert read the novel and Harold’s death to come. It is decided that Harold must die in order for Ms. Eiffel to have her finest work yet be brought to life. Everything happens as it is being written, right up to the point where Ms. Eiffel was finally at the moment where she is to kill Harold. At the very last moment, she changes her mind and allows Harold to life, albeit rather battered. Ms. Eiffel then changes the rest of her novel to fit the new ending, and Harold gets to life happily with his rebel baker girlfriend, Ana Pascal, who was first introduced during the time that Harold was attempting to complete his every day tasks while dealing with the narrating voice in his head.

All in all, it is such a wonderful movie. I absolutely loved it. I got quite a few laughs out of it. I didn’t really see Harold’s intended death coming, even though I should have. I am telling you now, pay attention to the TWO side stories that are included in the movie. They are VERY important in how everything comes together in the end. They explain how Harold ended up being where he was, and how the person who nearly caused his death was in the position to do so. It is also a rather interesting look at how often our lives cross with those around us, but we never truly notice.













Now! That that is out of the way, the pre-movie experience was not so bad at all. I got a free movie poster that was given out and I managed to win a free t-shirt. Ironically, I forgot that it was Wednesday, and that I would miss both “Lost” and “America’s Next Top Model” to attend the premiere. Just to highlight this fact, I ended up answering a question about last week’s “Lost” episode.













The question: Who died on last week’s episode of “Lost”? The answer: (Mr.) Echo.













When the guy pointed at me, I froze up and couldn’t believe that I had been picked out a full theater of people. He said, “The girl in the blue shirt.” I gave a responding shaky sigh of relief and nervousness and answered the question. True, the shirt is nowhere near big enough for me to wear, but I simply love it anyway. I am split between saving it for fifty years and auctioning it off as a limited release movie souvenir and placing it on eBay for whatever I can get for it. *shrugs*

The very next day (Thursday, November 9, 2006), I planned to put in a few applications for employment Downtown. I was going to focus primarily on two restaurants in particular, The Flying Saucer and the Hard Rock Cafe. I went to the Hard Rock first, because I planned to put in my application with The Flying Saucer on my way back toward the outbound bus stop. It turned out that I didn’t have any reason to do so just yet, because an interview was set up immediately for the following afternoon. Since I try to be careful about the amount of resumes and applications I send out at once, I planned to submit the rest of my apps based on Friday’s (November 10, 2006) interview. You know, because you can usually tell is you’ve got the job from the interview alone.

Well, I don’t have the job just yet, but I felt that the interview went exceedingly well. I even signed a paper saying that I understood the requirements to be a Hard Rock Cafe hostess. Hostess! I was planning to just go for being a server or something so that I could swing two jobs at once. But, following my intuition, I put Open/Any where the Position Applying For box was. The interviewer, Jen B., asked me about my hobbies, what I knew about the company, why I wanted to work there, how could I explain my lapses in my job history, whether I have current employment or not, and heaven knows what else. I answered everything to best of my abilities, and Jen and I shared a few laughs.

At the end of the interview, she told me to come in for a second interview tomorrow (Monday, November 13, 2006) at 2 P.M. I am taking this to be a supremely good sign. Hopefully I’ll get the job, because Heaven knows that I need it. Not only this, they have some of the best benefits! I’m talking health, dental, PET insurance, and a bunch of other stuff that Jen rattled off and I didn’t catch. They even have a Rolex Policy. Frankly, I can’t say that I need one, but they give you a free Rolex if you work at the Hard Rock for ten years. How bad ass is that?!

Okay, “Stargate: Atlantis” is going to come on soon. I need to wrap this up so that I can go make it for the airing of “Conversion” on regular television. YouTube is all kinds of helpful in helping me catch up on episodes that I don’t want to wait two years to see. Still, it’s good to see some of the episodes in my own home, ya’ know?

Oh! Right quick before I go. I had a dream that I was assassinated this morning. I was set up by someone I knew, and barely made it out alive. I really should write down as much of that dream as I can remember, because “I” was actually someone else. It was a white male who seemed terribly important, but was not well liked for some of the decisions he’d made. Or, the things he’d said/done publicly. *shrugs*

I hope that everyone is well.


ETA: Yep! Entry extension. I planned to come write about what happened in the interview directly after it happened, but life sidetracked me. This turned out to be a good thing, because I waited long enough to find out whether I got the job or not.

Guess what? I got it!!!! I am now officially a Host at the Hard Rock Cafe!!! I go in for orientation on Wednesday, and then I don’t know what else happens after that.

I am going to call Jen tomorrow (Tuesday, November 14, 2006) to see what I need to wear.

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  1. We must be on the same astrological cycle or something. I got my job today too. lmao

    Things are looking up for you now with insurance and a cash flow at a not sleezy place. Huh. we so must be on the same cycle. But hey man congrats. 🙂 You need it and deserve it.

    This is totally going to cut into my neopetting.

    What else…

    I’m planning on save extra money after I pay down my house again for a new computer.

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