Some Much In So Little Time

(2:20 P.M. – 2:49 P.M. US Central Time/Thursday/4th Period – Computer Applications)

I can wholly say that it has been forever since I have written here. So much has happened where I want wanted to write here and even thought out what I wanted to say, but I didn’t come. I just kind of kept it in. I suppose because there was so much excitement going on that I didn’t want to take time out to sit down and write it all out.

I guess that I will start with the end of last week.

Last week, I wanted to attend the John Kerry rally that was coming to Houston, Texas on March 6, 2004. I also wanted to be a caddie in the golf tournament that my school hosts. I also wanted to try out to be an extra in a movie that will be filming here. The name of the movie is Friday Night Lights. It’s about a Texas school winning the state championship. I think it was their four in a row. I am not sure right now.

The problem was that all of these things were going on at exactly the same time. I really wanted to be on C-SPAN holding a John Kerry sign. I didn’t plan to vote for him in the primary, but I still wanted to be on C-SPAN soooo bad. I love that channel! It rocks! *lol* Yea, I know, all the “cool” people watch the government channel. Yea. . . Since I didn’t know the exact location of the rally, I couldn’t go. I am still bitter about this. Puh. Plus, the man is a phenomenal speaker and I wanted to witness that in person. I had hoped to shake his hand and get a picture and/or an autograph. This man could potenially be the next President of the United States. I bought a camera just for this event.

I wanted to be a caddie since I could have made $10+ an hour, but I thought about the hot sun and the heavy lugging and X’ed that out too.

So, I ended up at the extras casting call. If I get a part I will make $54 a day. Yes! I filled out the form and stood in line. I couldn’t work every day (most of the days listed were school days), so I got in the fast line. This guy actually went through the long, regular line and got all the people who couldn’t work every day. He escorted us to the front of the line so that we could get parts before everyone else. They wanted to make sure that we got a part before they were all given away. I hope that I got one.

At first, I thought that I didn’t get a part because the woman interviewing me wrote “NO” at the bottom left-hand corner of my application. I emailed the list owner of their Yahoo! Group and he informed me that the “NO” meant that I hadn’t been an extra before. I was pissed when I wrote the email, but I wrote the email as nice as possible considering that I was seething at the time. I thought that I was rejected because I’m fat. I might be fat, but I damn sure am not ugly. I thought this because the woman looked at me and said “Thank you.” in an overly sweet, you-don’t-get-the-job-and-didn’t-have-a-chance-in-the-first-place-so-why-did-you-even-bother tone. Puh. I wanted to go on a crazy stream rant about how superficial Hollywood was, but I didn’t. Thank the Goddess. So I may be an extra pretty soon if I get the OK. I sure hope so though. (I planned on writing an entry here an everything. I had the title all ready. I was thinking something along the lines of “No Extra Needed”. Hrmm. . . )

I really should get a part since a few thousand people showed up. Hrmm. The company that did the casting is based here in Houston and is called Southwest Casting.

On Monday (March 8, 2004), I went to the Galleria with two of my friends that I met at Lee and hadn’t seen in over three years. It was the most fun that I have had in ages. We ran crazy and took tons of pictures. Andrea ran over these rows of parking stoppers and Albert and I changed her tire for her. The girl didn’t even know what a jack was. I don’t know how this girl ever got a car. She has road rage too and none of us knew how she ever got a license either. Phew.

I’m on my fourth chapter of my Haldir fic and I think it is coming along very well. I would have been further in the story, but chapter four has been slow going. I keep getting distracted, or being too tired, or too busy. I have a few more pages and then it’s finished. I need to type up the third chapter and post it on FanFiction.Net.

*yawns and stretches*

I’m tired.


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One Comment

  1. hallo sis

    just stopped by to check all was well with you… hope you get that part, hon! you keep me posted on that and if you do land up in the movie, i should love to check it out!

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