Fuck People !!! -R (some language)

(9:01 A.M. – 9:12 A.M. US Central Time)

What is it about people that make you so depressed? I try and reach out and be nice and kind and what do I get in return? Some nice people, but a lot of spit in the hand reaching out to people.

I try and have faith in the good hearts and actions of people, but it’s no use. People just suck plain and simple. I try and make my website fun and entertaining, but is that enough? Is that ever enough??? No, of course not because everyone just bitches about every single little fucking thing you do. At this rate I’m not going to be adding a Guestbook. Or I might. I can always delete the posts that I don’t like. I was going to decide whether or not to even offer a guestbook based on the poll results.

So far things aren’t looking too good in my opinion, though others might argue. But what do they know?? They’re probably the ones that did the fucking votes that annoy me!

Even if we killed all people and there was nothing left, it still wouldn’t help. Because evolution would just come along and make some more humans who would in turn ruin the world and make it not worth living in.

I’d like to believe that human compassion and good hearts would win out, but who the hell am I kidding? Humans, especially the male varitey are idiots who are bumbling to their demise and I hope that I am here to see humanity go down in flames.


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