I know that I never stopped loving the Dixie Chicks.

(9:38 A.M. US Central Time/Saturday/HCC library)

I was plesantly surprised last night when I saw exactly one ad spot advertising that the Dixie Chicks were going to be one Nightline following the local news. I had been watching 20-20 Primetime, which I try never to miss.

Anyway, I have been meaning to save their last song here for ages. I heard it only once on the radio via Twist Radio and I taped their performance on David Letterman, because there was no telling when I’d be able to hear the song again or see the Chicks perform. As the interview on NL wrapped up, I kind of wished that I had taped it, but I didn’t, obviously.

I went to YouTube hoping that it was there, but it isn’t – yet. : )

I’m saving both the music video of “Not Ready To Make Nice” and the DL performance here.


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