Killing in Texas, New Fiction Archive, Mother, and a Quiz Result

(7:13 A.M. – 8:47 A.M. US Central Time/Sunday/Home)

[imood mood at time of entry: calm]

Fiction Archive

I came across yet another fiction archive. It houses both original and fan fiction works. The biggest thing that is most unappealing about the site is its name. FicWad.Com. Ew. I told my LJ/HPF friend, _ataraxis_, the name of the site, and that was the first thing she said as well.

Overall, the site is more than ‘decent’. The set up and review systems are fantastic, as far as ease of use goes. Since it is a new site, there are still bugs being worked on while it is in its beta testing/running stage. I am not found of the warning system (yet?). It uses exclamation points and questions marks in its warnings guideline.

I am always willing to help a new archive out by offically pimping it around to my friends. Or just rambling on about it in my entries, because I want to go “Mommy, see!!!” to the entire world. Heh. I am also adding stories and categories that it can make use of.


Work life is about to slow to near nothingness now. I really think that I am ready to finally take those computer training classes that I’ve always wanted to.

I ran into an old friend and her husband in Wal-Mart Thursday (May 5, 2005), and he started asking me questions about how to build a website. I asked him a few questions, and gave him some starting points. I believe that he wants to showcase his professional movie-making (for events and whatnot) business.

Since he does not have the Internet at home, I strongly suggested a Flash Drive for the transfer portion of the uploading. He asked me to email him today at his new email address. I will get to it in a while.

I want to be able to give out even better advice concerning computers and coding. Perhaps even make a living off of it on the side.


Today is the lovely Mother’s Day. I bought my Mom a book of quotations. I thought it could be something she could read and display on her disk. She does not have a disk now though. Her bullshit company fired her over two weeks ago. I’m still in shock, and I can’t quite believe it. Part of me believes that they will give in and beg her to come back. She’d been there more than 15 years, and virtually ran that company.

The only “real” office employee they are left with after firing my Mother cannot even staple two sheets of paper together, let alone do payroll or anything else that my mother can. This woman does not even know how to file for goodness’ sake!

My mother went on an interview this past week for another mortgage company. A woman contacted her, and asked her to come in after looking at her resume. My mother did not even submit her resume to this woman. That just shows how fast a quality resume can get around. No one is prepared for office tasks like my mom. We may fall out and scream at each other, but I can admit to and appreciate her strong points.

I need to go get her something else to go with her book. A bag, tissue, and perhaps a flower or two. I know that she bought her mother these perfect (and I do mean perfect!) red roses. They are a spectacular balance between an intensely pleasing shade of red, a fine cut, and just the right petal open:close:curvature ratio. My mother definitely has outstanding taste in flora.

Quiz Results/Killing in Texas

I am including a quiz that I took. It’s pretty much ‘on’. Part of me is definitely going to be Conservative. I live in “Bush Country”! Ergh. . .

For some of the questions, I definitely had to put some thought into my answers. My answers did end up all over the place, due to the questions. I am in favor of watching our borders for illegal aliens, as we get thousands who come in through Texas, I’m not really for the ‘war’, I’m wholly for legalizing abortion once more, questioning the amount authority we give our government, fixing the national deficit/debt issue, supporting the marriage rights of homosexual Americans, actually punishing drugs users (We do that here.), and strenghthing/fixing the dysfunctional educational and health systems. I gave pause at the death penality question though.

The first response it the death penalty is sort of an intake of breath, then I consider whether I would want murderers to be taken from this world in such a clinical (and widely accepted in Texas!) manner. On one hand, they’d sit around eating up our resources from our government’s (our!) money, while still retaining the chance to kill again, either in prison or while freed on parole. On the other hand, locking them up for life could keep them away from the general public. (Yes, I know about the prison work programs.)

Locking someone up can only do so much, and that’d be once more in the eating up resources category. Those are funds that could be better served somewhere else. There is also the way the murderers would interact with the other inmates. Why should anyone be subjected to the more violent elements, when they are incarcerated for a much lesser/less violent charge?

I ultimately looked at whether I would want someone to be put to death if they killed a member of my family, and the answer is/was “Yes.” I would not be satisfied with that person simply rotting in prison while happily living off of my tax dollars. I have no intentions of housing, feeding, and clothing any would-be personalized killers.

The only thing that really stopped (stops) the immediate, unhesitant “Yes.” to this question, is always the phrase that includes something akin to “appropriate in certain/select cases.” Who decides what is appropriate in “certain” cases? “We,” the body of their “peers” supposedly do this, but is that really true? I think it all depends on who the defendant is, and how kill happy/successful some of those jurors are. Not to mention the guilt by the media factor.

I always counter the family-killing with my own possible death penality sentencing. Would I want anyone to sentence me to death if I accidentally killed someone? What if it was not an accident? I don’t know what the future holds, but I hope that “Being a murderer or murderer’s victim” are not in it.

Of course, in Texas, the jurors are more than just a little “kill happy” for the most part, so the sentencing would pretty much be set for me or any other regular Jane/Joe who was in the murderer’s postion. That is unless you are a cop or a rich person. If you’re a cop, you’ll get off on 8 months of probation because killing another person while being an “officer of the law” is just fine and dandy. If you’re rich, you can kill your neighbor, chop him up, throw him into Galveston Bay, openly admit to it, and then be declared not guilty in the criminal case. Both of those topics are future rants to come.

Finally, here is the quiz result.


Your Political Profile

Overall: 30% Conservative, 70% Liberal
Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Galvestion Bay and the surrounding areas

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