The Men of Danielle’s Life

(3:32 P.M. – 4:08 US Central Time/Saturday/Library near my house)

[imood mood at time of entry: cool]

Well, I got started on my paper and came all the way to the library near my house to look for the only that the library’s catalog has listed as a specific source of information on the Alaskan pipeline. It wasn’t here of course. So, I am going to type up my entry about the men of my life and what is going on with each of them. Then I am going home to eat something as my stupid stomach would not stop gurgling/growling in the Downtown library. *laughs* How embarassing.


Well, James and I are just friends. Neither of us are truly looking to hook up with anyone seriously right now. We have tons in common and can talk about pretty much everything. He’s the one with the four month old daughter. I met him at the bus stop.

I talked to him last night on the phone. He called me to say hello. I was so tired and worn out from the flu symptoms that I couldn’t really focus on what he was telling me. I kept going in and out of the conversation. I do know that he was talking about all the cool stuff he gets from working in the mall.


Not long after I wrote the Drop Dead Fred entry, he did. At least he stopped obsessively calling me. He called once more after my Mom told him not to. I didn’t call him back, so I guess he got the message loud and clear. I happy as all get out.


Cris is my lovely ex who wants to have sex, but doesn’t want it to be meaningless. He wants there to be a point instead of us just doing something together. I talked to him last night (Friday, December 5, 2003) and he told me that’s why he left so suddenly on Wednesday (December 3, 2003). He didn’t like the thought of us just making out and there being no point. I personally can make out with friends. I used to do it all the time at Lee. But he’s the one who can’t keep his lips off of me. hehe *winks*


I used to work out at the Bally’s near my house in the Spring of this year, but I started working at my job and could never go. After that my Mom stopped paying the monthly fees since I never went anymore. I was out this morning to go see a doctor. My Mom told me to get some kind of shot. Well, the doctor I went to wouldn’t see me since he was not listed on my insurance. *grumbles, but understands*

Anyway, I ran into him (Chris) in the store next to the doctor’s office because I was going to get something to eat before I left. I got a bag of chips for me and Todd, a pack of gum, and a peppermint stick. He was talking to someone in the back of the store when I came in. I was originally hoping to buy lunchmeat for me and Todd to eat on. I didn’t find what I was looking for but I passed by Chris. He looked so familiar. We looked at each and sort of gave that don’t-I-know-you look. He started talking to me while we walked to the end of the Deli row. We turned the corner and headed to the front of the store. He not-so-subtlely asked me if I was married and where was my boyfriend at and did I have any children. I let him know that I was free clear in all areas. He told me that he was going to have to get my number.

So, we both paid for our purchases and he chatted up some more people. He was telling them about this charity event coming up that he was heading on the 20th. This is also what he was telling the person in the back of the store.

We went outside and I gave him my number. We kind of talked and then he left to go give his mother some money and I left to go across the street to the bus stop.

I am on my fourth Chris/Kris/Cris. These are all the spellings of their names.


I met him at my bus stop Wednesday (December 3, 2003). He and his friend kept driving by and looking at me. They finally stopped and called me over. I sort of blew them off and looked around to see who they were talking to. I thought they thought I was some kind of a hooker or something. But I went over after much prodding on their part and talked to them. I gave them my name and number quickly since my bus was coming.

Dwayne called me that night and we got on fabulously! We had tons in common and were both avid writers who were looking for critics. We were a perfect friendly match. We arranged to meet the next day (Thursday, Decemeber 4, 2003) in front of this store across from my bus stop. I left school early and didn’t go. I did try to call him yesterday (Friday, December 5, 2003) though. The number was out of order. I will try and call him again tonight. We could be pretty cool friends. Heaven knows I need more of those, especially writers.


He is my bestest friend from Lee High School who I love very much. I never get to see him and rarely get to talk on the phone due to his schedule. I’m not nearly as busy as he is since he has fully committed himself to becoming a priest. I want him to be happy, but when he told me that he was going to be going to a seminary, I wanted to and started to cry. I knew then that I’d pretty much lost him because he was going to be so busy all the time. *sigh*

I can’t think of anyone else right now so that’s it.

The reason that I decided to write about the men who make up my life is that this the Black woman’s fact of life now. For some reason we don’t seem to have one man in own lives that provides all of our needs. Friendship, lover, big brother, father, and so on. We have this segmented wholeness with different men that makes up the perfect mix. I just wanted to point this out because I think that I am getting the hang of this apparently special talent.


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