Colin Farrell

I have now discovered the reason for all the hype around this guy.

I didn’t really know anything about him except for the little bits that happened to be on the news on the rare occasion that it was on and I was sort of looking at it.

He’s not exactly the hottest guy out there. Between those caterpillar eyebrows and his reported non bathing practices, it seems a tad hard to imagine girls going ga ga for him.

But it’s something about him that gets under your skin whether you want it to or not.

I saw Phone Booth last week with my brother because he wanted to see it. It turned out to be much much better than I than I thought it would be.

I started researching him because I kept hearing about this “Hung” list in some magazine.

Anyway, long story short, the man has seemed to over night taken over my online life. I have even had a sex dream staring him. Which was a bit of a let down because I was woken up before anything juicy happened.

My Dream:

I’m laying in my bed half asleep and some guy I knew kept trying to get in my bed and snuggle and kiss me. I really didn’t want to kiss him, so I was thinking imagine Colin kissing and snuggling you. And then that other guy disappeared and Colin was there. He was trying to work me out of my clothes, but I was reluctant because I new his rep. And so just when I knew that he had succeed at changing my mind the phone rang and all I got to see was my shoulder coming out of my shirt and Colin kissing me.

What a Gip!!!


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